more noco because I can

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Cody: I'm saaad 😔

Trent: what happened little guy?

Cody: noah blocked me! 🥲

Izzy: izzy is here! for the rescue💃


Cody: yeah!-wait ..we aren't boyfriends izzy!

Izzy: not yet hehehehehh🤭

Noah: I'm not unblocking you cody😐

Cody: plsss🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

Noah: no

Cody: 🥲

Trent: what did cody do to make you block him noah😑

Noah: well he just sent me the HOLE LYRICS OF DON"T MINE AT 3 AM!!!!!!

Eva: pfftt-

Owen: Noah unblock cody it was my fault ☹

Noah: what do you mean big guy?

Owen: you see I was the one who dared him to send you but he couldn't say it was a dare😔

Cody: see noah! can you plssss unblock me know 

Izzy: unblock him or I'm doing it myself!🤬

Noah: fine I unblocked cody! happy?😒

Izzy: yes I'm happy 😁😁😁😁😁😁

Trent: I'm bored 😐

Cody: me too😑

Duncan: lets play T or D !

Heather: hello there loser I saw that we're gonna play T or D= drama so I'm in🙋‍♀️

Courtney: ^

Gwen: ^

Alejandro: if mi amor is in I'm in too❤

Duncan: so everyone is playing?

(pretend they said yes)

Duncan: great so I start, cody T or D

Cody: Dare!

Duncan: so lets start with something more chill,send us the last photo in your gallery 

Cody: oh sh*t..

Eva: I wanna see it now

Cody: fine.. just a sec

Cody: and sorry noah

Noah: sorry for what?

Cody: this

Cody sent 1 photo to the chat

Trent: wait so this is the last photo in your gallery cody?🤨👀

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Trent: wait so this is the last photo in your gallery cody?🤨👀

Cody: yeah👍

Duncan: hahahah simp🤭

Noah: at least I'm loking hot in that picture 

Cody: true

Cody: no WAIT- sh*t

Cody deleted a masage

Eva: we saw it cody 


Noah: ok ok cody now is your time to ask 

Cody: oh yeah humm Owen T or D

Owen: dare 😊

Cody: I dare you to buy me Mc donalds

Owen: fine 😊

Courtney: smart move cody 

Cody: thanks, but owen before you go buy me food ask someone first

Owen: ok! noah T or D?

Noah: truth

Owen: is it truth that you were jealous ou sierra and cody in TDWT?

Heather: spill the tea!🍵👀

Noah: that's just low owen but yeah its true and I hate sierra🖕

Gwen: that's real gay 🏳️‍🌈

Cody: you were jealous of me 😶

Noah: so what

Cody: nothing is just that never noticed

Noah: yeah so lets get this over with, court T or D?

Courtney: truth

Noah: ok because I'm a good friend I won't say name even it being obvious 🙄 is it true that you like a girl that is  in this chat?

Courtney: it's true

Duncan: even I know its gwen 😑

Courtney: shut it duncan🖕

Duncan: don't want too🤨

Courtney: argh how does trent deal with you for real😒

Duncan: he loves me and he is HOT different from you, hot people are the best🙇

Justin: so I'm the best 🤩

Courtney: shut up justin! 🖕

Trent: ok ok I think this is going a little to far 😐

Heather : no trent! things were starting to get good🍵

Noah: ^

Trent: don't care 

Cody: wow sassy trent 😶

Gwen: still think that is duncan's fault 

Cody: true 😐

Cody: thanks for the food Owen😊

Owen: no problem😊

Noah: what happened with Courtney and Duncan?🤨

Trent: I calmed duncan and now we're watching some tv 💚

Izzy: aww I want to cuddle too evaaa

Eva: fine 

Heather: well court is in call with me and she is cursing duncan with words I didn't even knew they existed 

Noah: tipical courtney 

Cody: ^

Cody: somebody wants to come and play mario cars with me?

Owen: I'm in 🙋‍♂️

Harold: ^

trent: sorry I can't because I'm with duncan but next time I play with you all

Cody: no problem man :)

Cody: noah will you come?

Noah: yeah 

Cody: great!😊

Cody: so harold,owen and noah I'm waiting :))

Harold: on my way !

~one more chapter :)) for you all 

~damm what was 13 year old me thinking when she wrote this cause I kinda love it kjhghjkjhg

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