duntrent cause they are underrated

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~this won't be focused on the group chat It will be just what happened at Duncan's house 

Duncan's pov

F***,f***,f*** aaaaaaa I'm freaking out,like seriously I didn't know I had the abilities to clean this fast until today 

all I can do now is sit down and wait for Trent and man up so it doesn't look like I'm almost shitting my pants

God, I may not believe in you but I'm in need of help, like now !

Ok stop this, I'm a MAN I'm ok I'm not dying....right? aaaaaaa

Trent: Duncan open up  

Duncan: going!

I opened the door and there he was, he looked a bit mad but more a tired look,maybe he wasn't just mad at me,I wonder what happened, is rare to see him like this

Trent: hey 

Duncan: hey elvis,come in

He always laughs or even complains when I call him that but no reaction 

Duncan: hey if this is about the group chat and those idiots I'm sorry 

he was on the couch and I sat next to him placing my hand carefully on his shoulder

Trent: well I'm not the one you have to apologize to but don't need to worry, I know that  you're like that and there's no stopping 

he let out a small laugh and laid his head on my shoulder

Duncan: so what's bothering you? I though you were mad at me 

Trent: at you?! no, of course not 


Duncan: then?

Trent: It's just everything and as bonus I had a super shit day at work,to be quite honest I think I'm getting stressed too easily 

Duncan: I kinda get you,is there anything  I could do ?

he looked at me finally making eye contact 

Trent: just being with you makes me fell better 

I smiled at him and saw a shadow of a smile on his face as well

Duncan: come here then

I opened my arms and he finally smiled hugging me resting his head on my chest 

Duncan: do I make a good pillow elvis?

Trent: shut up

we both laughed he seems way calmer then when he arrived, I slowly started to stroke his hair making him relax completely 

I've messed up all my past relationships, I know it ,and it's all over on tv for everyone to see,but I refuse to ruin things again,I refuse to lose him 

I kissed his head and saw a smile form on his face 

Trent: love you

Duncan: yeah I know you do,love you too 

I said the last part a bit lower but enough that he could hear 

~have I already mentioned how much I love writing fluff? cause I love it 

~I loved making duncan's inner argument cause I fell like he acts like a bad boy but is a total overthinker

~why is duntrent so underated ??!? like the og ships and some other fanon ships are pretty cool but duntrent deserves more love, and I'm here to give it love 

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