Cody-Noah(my favorite gays forever 🥹 ❤️‍🩹)

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Cody- Noah 

Cody: Nooooooooaaaaaaaaah😫😫

Cody: what are you up to????🧐🤨👁

Noah: what do you mean/want cody??😑

Cody: I'm just bored🥲, the group chat is super silent and I'm tired of everything games,books,movies, series 

Noah: I see, too much free time 

Cody: yeah 

Noah: well if you want to come over spend some time together 

Cody: seriously??🥹❤️‍🩹

Noah: it's not like it would be hard since we are practically neighbors 

Cody: true lol🤡

Noah: so?

Cody: yup I'll be there

Noah: ok se u in 5 

Cody: 😙👍


Noah's pov

I heard the bell ring and already knew who it was, I went downstairs quickly to get to the door before my nosy siblings 

Noah: it's for me

Mrs Sterecra: ok honey

I opened the door and saw a smiling cody, that as soon as he got the opportunity hugged me 

Noah: hello there too

he just laughed letting go 

Noah: come in 

he passed right beside me as I closed the door

Cody: you know sometimes I forget how colorful and full your house actually is

Noah: yeah everyone gets surprised once they come here 

Cody: it really doesn't match you but it's an adorable contrast

He looked at me as I rolled my eyes,I soon noticed my sisters eavesdropping on me and cody, they are really bad at hiding 

Noah: my room ?

he looked at me and nodded following me upstairs 

we entered the room closing the door, and cody just threw himself on the bed 

Noah: you're gonna end up breaking my bed one day doing that

Cody: nah everything is calculated in my head 

Noah: if you say so but I swear I'll make u pay if you break it 

I laughed sitting besides him 

as I stopped laughing he got up sitting and hugging me from behind 

Cody: I know you will

he let out a small laugh while pulling me even closer resting his head on my shoulder, I could fell his steady breathing on my neck

Noah:  good that you know

I totally gave in into his hug, cody is really,REALLY affectionate but at the start of our relationship he mostly showed his love with words and nicknames, now I fell like he's way more relaxed and comfortable to hug and kiss me I think that's because he was afraid to be "too much" or make me uncomfortable since I'm not as affectionate, at least not physically, but honestly if it's cody we are talking about I love every little thing he does 

I was so caught in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear him 

Cody: hey love are you ok?

Noah: huh?oh sorry I wasn't paying attention, totally spaced out 

Cody: no need to apologize, but what's taking MY boyfriends attention from me ?

he laughed and then kissed my cheek, the same that I felt warm and I knew was red as well

Noah: nothing just um this I guess 

I mimicked with my hand showing I was talking about us and the hug 

Cody: are you uncomfortable?

his voice was low and concerned, I tuned my head so I could look at him and smiled 

Noah: of course not or you know I would've said something, I'm felling the opposite 

I turned back laying on his chest 

Noah: don't think so much I'm not made of glass 

Cody: ok then 

he kissed my head and I placed my hand on his intertwining our fingers and closing my eyes

Noah: don't be afraid to come closer, you're my boyfriend because I love you and everything you do

as soon as I finished speaking I felt his arm tighten around me 

Cody: ok but don't complain later 

He laughed slightly rocking from a side to the other 

Noah: I won't

Cody: promise ?

Noah: promise

I could still hear him laughing starting give me small kisses on my face 

Cody: For heavens, I love you so much 

I opened my eyes and tuned looking deep in his eyes 

Noah: I know you do,really hard not to though I'm pretty amazing 

I smirked but as I saw his face I started to laugh uncontrollably 

Noah: You had to see your face 

It was even hard to speak because of my laughter

he frowned at me but didn't let go of the hug, he just pulled me closer and hid his face on my collarbone

I slowly stopped laughing and could finally speak normally

Noah: I love you too you big idiot, don't ever doubt it 

I could fell him smile and then give me a kiss between my jaw and my neck

Cody: I won't 

he whispered in my ear making me shiver

he knew what he was doing because as soon as he notice he stared laughing 

well I guess that was his payback, I'll let him have his fun 

~aaaaa I love them so much 🥹 ❤️‍🩹 😭 *crying in single* kjhkjh

~I'm gonna start doing more short chapters like this (small chat+ short story) because if I keep just with the group chat 100% I will run out of ideas🥲 and like this I can highlight some characters that I kept in the shadow,and make it even gayer 🥳

~well hope you all enjoyed, a big hug and lot of kisses, june<33

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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