Chapter 3: Christmas Eve

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The eggnog was sweat, creamy, and slightly boozy. Robin could feel the liquid warming his body and soul with every sip.

"Can I have more?" Tyler asked, having already finished his mug after chugging it in record time. The foam from the beverage still coated his upper lip. Robin wanted to kiss it away. But uncertainty regarding what level of physical affection was appropriate around Tyler's family--especially as his boyfriend's little sister was currently perched in her brother's lap--held him back.

Aunt Donna--dressed for the occasion in a garish Christmas sweater with white pompoms attached to resemble snowflakes--sighed at her nephew's demand. "I should not have let you have rum in the egg nog if you're going to drink it so quickly," she concluded. "Your boyfriend will have to carry you up to your room if you continue at that speed."

"Robby can totally carry me," Tyler countered, full of belief in Robin's capabilities. Robin wasn't as convinced himself.

Donna raised her eyebrows, perhaps doubting Robin's prowess at carrying as well. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"You totally could though, cutie." Tyler leaned his head on Robin's shoulder and nudged his nose against Robin's chin as if to beg for a kiss. Robin couldn't decline that request. Small child present or not. The kiss was just as sweet and soft as the eggnog they had just partaken in, perhaps because the foam was still coated on their lips.

"Can I have more nog too?" Emmie piped up and held out an empty cup toward Donna. The child seemed completely untraumatized from the fact that her brother was kissing his boyfriend. In fact, it seemed that she hadn't even noticed. The lack of attention, from both Emmie and the rest of the family, made Robin feel more at ease.

The demands for more sweet beverage made aunt Donna give in, and she grabbed the pitcher that contained the rum-free variety of the sweet beverage. Apparently, Tyler had lost his booze privileges for the time being. "There," she said as she poured the beverage into the outstretched cups. "But maybe drink a bit slower this time. It's time to hand out the Christmas Eve gifts, so I don't have time to constantly fill your cups."

Confused, Robin glanced over toward Tyler. He didn't know there would be Christmas Eve gifts. Was he supposed to have bought one? Anxious bubbles joined the rum bubbles fizzing through his veins.

"We always open a gift each on the night of the eve," Tyler explained with a tickling whisper into Robin's ear. Somehow, Tyler always seemed to notice when Robin wasn't sure what was expected of him and find a way to make his boyfriend feel more comfortable. "From Aunt Donna and Uncle Kevin. It's always a pajama to wear tomorrow. So not that exciting."

His whispers earned him a glare from his aunt, perhaps he wasn't supposed to give away the surprise to his little sister, who beamed in excitement at the mere mention of gifts.

The gifts were handed out in order of age. First Aunt Donna and Uncle Kevin gave each other a wrapped soft gift. It seemed it was a tradition that they bought each other pajamas so that they both would get a surprise. Donna looked in surprise at the meticulously wrapped gift her husband handed her.

"Janie wrapped it," Kevin explained bashfully and nodded toward his teenage daughter. Robin suspected Janie, who was very neat and keen on crafts, had wrapped most gifts for the male member of the Caster family. He certainly couldn't imagine Ty--with an impatient demeanor and lack of attention for details--taking on the task with a pretty result.

"Well that explains things," Donna chuckled. "I usually get a gift bag," she explained to Robin. "My husband's wrapping gifts leave a bit to expected."

"I'm good at outsourcing work though," Kevin retorted and gave his wife a playful kiss. "And figure out who is best equipped to handle a certain task."

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