𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹

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𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎'𝚜  𝚙𝚘𝚟

It's time to get out again. After 2 months back home and resting and training we're going again. I packed the last things in my 60 liter bag and then pulled on my uniform. It's the beginning of the last week of March as I walked outside. Max, Victoria, my dad and Kelly where all sat in the car as I threw my bag in the trunk before sitting in the passengers seat next to my father. I placed a kiss on his cheek as I softly smiled at him. We drove a steady 30 minutes to the base where I got myself checked in. I handed in all my personal belongings and collected my weapon and all those last stuff. I walked back outside and loaded my bag into the airplane that would bring us. I walked back to my family and wrapped my sister in a big hug.

Victoria: "I'm gonna miss you..."

Claire: "I'll miss you too."

I gave Kelly and my dad both a big hug as well before going to Max. His eyes were red and watery as he was biting his lip softly. He didn't want to cry in front of me.

Max: "hold yourself together CJ..."

Claire: "go get them in that car Maxie."

I let go of them and got into the airplane waving one last time before sitting down in the crowded place. Everybody immediately went to sleep which wasn't too hard with the thought you should get as much sleep as possible. I was awoken by someone and got up again. I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulders. I closed the clasp of my helmet and got my gun in my hands as we walked out in long rows. Time to get going I guess....


Where the hell are we? I didn't know. I haven't known since the last 5 days. We've been alert for the last 5 days. I've got cuts and wounds all over my body as I felt tired and hungry. A tap on my shoulder made me look to the side. A sound of a car made us all jump down. We're screwed! We all jumped down on the ground following the car with our guns for if we needed to fire. Nothing happened. The road was far away enough to not see us. We went on with walking for god knows how long. We arrived back at our base... oh my god! We made it! We all fastened our pace and after they had checked us we were let inside. We all quickly ate when the head commander walked inside of the room where Amy group of 9 people were sat. We were all filling our stomachs with food while he looked at us.

Commander: "I want you guys checked out by the doctors after eating. Then take all your stuff. You guys are going home. It's the 4th of September so you guys already are to late."

Tomorrow was the Zandvoort race. I promised Max I would be there the whole weekend. He must be angry at me! I finished my meal quickly and got to the doctors. They stitched 3 head wounds up that were to deep to heal themselves. One thru my left eyebrow, one on my right cheekbone and one on my right jawline. They were now very visible because of the stitches themselves of course. I quickly went to my bed on the base and collected all my stuff. I looked into the mirror that was hanging in our building and looked at myself... I had lost some pounds, my face was covered in the rests of face paint that I tried to get off, I had big bags under my eyes from not sleeping a few nights, the wounds and stitches on me didn't make me look much better. I looked horrible for my being. I quickly walked away from the mirror with all my stuff and climbed onto the airplane. After we all staid alert for quite a while the pilot told us we were out of danger zone meaning we could finally go to sleep. My eyes closed immediately and I quickly drifted off to a steady sleep. One where I was at home with my family playing board games. The ones I cared most about. I loved my dream but still I was awoken by the person next to me, Kevin. We got out of the airplane and I looked around. My dad was standing there waiting for me. I tear running down my face as I dropped my stuff and ran straight into his arms. He held me close to his body as he softly sobbed as well. He hadn't heard of me in 5 months. At least since I left.

Dad: "hai princess!"

I wiped away my tears and quickly finished off at the base. We rushed to the car hoping we could surprise Max before he got out of the car. Emmy father drove there as fast as possible and we finally made it. He handed me my paddock pass as we ran thru the paddock. I don't care about how much my feet hurt I wanted to wrap my brother into a hug. We made our way thru the people while photographers around us flashed their camera's at me probably because I've never been to a race before of Max in the F1. Max had won the race. We had seen it on my dad his phone and well... the orange smoke around here was insane. We finally arrived as I gave my sister and Kelly a huge hug.

Kelly: "your back oh my!"

Claire: "hai girls."

(959 words)

𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚢  𝚊𝚗𝚍  𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 (𝙲.𝙻)Where stories live. Discover now