𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟿

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𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

After 2 hours I arrived back at the Leclerc's house. I had cleared the area around the house to make sure there was nothing to worry about anymore. I arrived back at the Ferrari car of Charles and opened it again. A sound from behind me made me turn and aim the bigger gun towards the person in front of me.

Charles: "wow. No need to point a gun to me."

Claire: "you scared me jeez."

Charles: "I scared you? You've got 2 guns!"

I rolled my eyes before locking the guns. I placed the big gun back in the bag and placed the smaller one back between my belt and trousers. My radio still on as I heard some people communicate with me.

Kevin: " CJ the area is clear but we've found something you would maybe want to see."

Claire: "coordination?"

Kevin gave me a coordination that I drew on the map. I took my guns back like before and looked at the map.

Charles: "what are you gonna do?"

Claire: "they've found something they want me to look at... I'll be back later."

Charles: "no I'm not letting you go out there by yourself. The sun is almost down."

Claire: "you can come. There's an extra OBS vest in the bag. Pull it on just in case."

He pulled it on and looked confused at all the clasps and Velcro straps. I quickly tightened them for him before we walked towards the team. We arrived there and I saw Kevin, Dominique and Laurens.

Claire: "so? What did we find?"

Kevin: "that?"

He pointed to something on the ground. Paper with text on it. Laurens handed me a pair of plastic gloves. I pulled them on and picked up the paper. They were after me not Charles and his mother. I scanned the paper where lots of information was on about me and on the back some pictures of me.

Claire: "what is this? Do we have a zipper bag?"

We placed it in the bag before Charles and I headed back to his childhood house. The others would get the paper to the police for further investigation.

Charles: "what was it all about?"

Claire: "nothing important..."

I softly mumbled as we walked thru the area. I hadn't said a word since then and we arrived back at the car. I placed everything in the bag and placed it in the trunk.

Charles: "it wasn't nothing Claire. Your never this silent. What is it?"

Claire: "it's... nothing important for you. I just need to think about it a little. I promise it's nothing to bad."

Charles: "that's not the same for us. You said that about the bullet as well but for me that's not nothing bad. Just tell me if I can help okay?"

Claire: "okay."

He wrapped his arms around me gently and laid his face on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Claire: "do you mind if we go back home?"

Charles: "what about my mom... is she gonna be safe?"

Claire: "this wasn't aimed at her. I promise you."

He nodded at me and ran inside to say bye to his mom. I sighed before getting behind the wheel of the Ferrari starting the engine up. Charles climbed in besides me and smiled gently at me.

Claire: "I uhm... need to fly out tomorrow."

Charles: "where too?"

Claire: "home."

Charles: "why?"

Claire: "I've to get some things done... about this."

Charles: "can I help you with anything?"

Claire: "give me a ride to the airport is as much as you can do for me."

Charles: "then I'll do that."

I gave him a simple nod as we went silent and listened to the radio. Should I tell him? He deserves to know right? Yes he does but maybe it's better if I don't tell him. He'll only get worried. When we arrived back at his apartment I grabbed the big black back and carried it up the stairs and laid it in the hallway. Charles sat down on the couch while I went to the bedroom. I changed myself into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and placed my gun against my skin being held by my sweatpants. I walked to the living room and closed the curtains. I sat down next to Charles who wrapped his arms around me. He placed a kiss just behind my ear as he was zapping thru some tv channels.

(754 words)

𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚢  𝚊𝚗𝚍  𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 (𝙲.𝙻)Where stories live. Discover now