𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻𝟾

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𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎'𝚜  𝚙𝚘𝚟

After Charles left I staid training for a while longer. People started coming and going as well now. I had placed my AirPods Pro in now instead of the speakers in the gym. When I looked on my watch and saw it was 12:45 I decided to stop. I had been training for 6 hours which is way to long... but it was the only thing I could do to clear my head from Noah... I had too. I went back to the hotel and saw the group leaving in swimwear probably heading to the beach. I fake smiled at them and I saw Dominique shake her head softly. She said something to them and then walked towards me.

Dominique: "come on. We're gonna get you showered and then we're heading to the beach."

Claire: "I don't feel like that Domi."

Dominique: "then we'll stay in and watch movies?"

Claire: "sounds more like it..."

We took the elevator to our floor and then I grabbed my stuff and went to Dominique her room. I showered there before I let myself fall down on her bed. We choose a movie as she handed me a plate with food. I thanked her before we started the movie.  The rest of the day was spend only watching movies. For dinner we staid in as well and just watched movies, played card games, talked and listened to music... you know that kind of stuff. My phone started ringing and I saw Max his name. I walked out on the balcony and sat down picking up.

Claire: "hey Maxje."

Max: "hey little one. I got a worried boyfriend call a second ago... didn't tell him did you?"

Claire: "no... I didn't... it hurts Max. It really hurts."

Max: "it'll get better CJ... it's been 3 years so after 21 years spend together it is likely to hurt..."

Claire: "I know..."

Max: "hey remember that time he came over for dinner and we gave you that salty fish even tho we knew you didn't like fish back then."

Claire: "I remember yes... that was so gross."

A soft giggle rolled off my lips as my mind replayed the memory of the two guys I looked up to most. I could feel my tears roll again as I remembered more good memories of us.

Claire: "I miss him..."

Max: "we all do CJ. He was part of the family like a real son to mom and dad and a real brother to us and Vic... he has brought us a lot of joy..."

Claire: "do you remember when we went down the stairs with those mattresses?"

Some more tears rolled down my cheek as I felt someone's presence behind me. I looked around and looked into the eyes of Charles. He gave me a tiny smile as he sat down next to me on the small bench.

Max: "oh that was the best idea ever and the most horrible one at the same time... you got that scar on your knee still right?"

Claire: "yea I do... the weird one."

Max: "I still remember that lecture from mom..."

We both let out a soft chuckle before we staid silent. Max let out a sigh and then started talking again.

Max: "I've to go CJ... if you need anything just call me okay?"

Claire: "thanks Max... I'll see you soon."

Max: "see you soon little one."

I hung up my phone as I felt tears still roll down my cheek. I looked to my side and saw Charles open his arms for me. I gave him a tiny little smile. I leaned into his chest as a sigh left my mouth. It was already dark outside and the stars were shinning.

Claire: "I'm sorry for today..."

Charles: "no worries ma cherie... Dominique and Max explained it to me..."

Claire: "happy birthday to me I guess..."

Charles: "and happy birthday to Noah up there..."

I looked into his eyes and he gave me a small kiss on my forehead. He pushed my hair out of my face as he just stared into my eyes.

Charles: "should we go to our own room?"

Claire: "yea probably."

He let me stand up first before he placed his arms underneath my butt picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder and rested my head against his softly. He picked up my stuff from the table and carried me back to our room where he dropped my stuff on the table and then walked to the bed to jump onto it with me underneath him. I groaned softly as his weight fell on top of me.

Claire: "your fat."

Charles: "rude."

I held his body close to mine as we staid cuddling in silence. His arms wrapped around my back as my arms were wrapped around his neck and my right hand played in his hair softly.

Charles: "Je t'aime ma cherie..."

Claire: "ik hou ook van jou schatje..."

His grip around me tightened as I told him. He snuggled his face into my shoulder as I placed a kiss on his brown hair. The remaining time before we headed to bed were spend cuddled up together and in a comfortable silence. After a while we were both tired and we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. I was sitting on the counter as I brushed my teeth my eyes feeling a little heavy probably because of training long and getting up early today. Charles was done brushing his teeth before me and spit it out on the sink before cleaning his tooth brush. As he placed it away I jumped off the counter and was about to hold my hair back to spit out my tooth paste but Charles grabbed my hair for me. I washed my mouth before standing up again and placing a kiss on Charles his cheek. I placed my toothbrush away and then walked into the bedroom together with Charles. We laid down in the bed underneath the duvet. Charles his left arm wrapped around my waist as his right arm laid underneath his head. I linked my left hand into his left hand as I had my right hand laid down underneath my head.

(1058 words)

𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚢  𝚊𝚗𝚍  𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 (𝙲.𝙻)Where stories live. Discover now