trust me

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His phone keeps vibrating

"Someone is trying to get a hold of you babe" I imply to him

The vibrating proceeds so I chose to look over and unlock his phone to see who it is...

'Snapchat from Emily' I race into the washroom and pitch his phone gently on the counter "Woah babe.." he skims at me in guilt. "care to explain?" I speak "explain what?" "you know what I'm fucking talking about, why are you fucking texting Emily again?" "Why did you go through my phone?" "Why do you care? Your phone kept going off and I checked on it just in case it was an emergency."

He looks down to his feet and backs up at me as his eyes get full of frustration "You shouldn't be going through my phone, You don't trust me? Don't you?" "omg bro I do fucking trust you. I just fucking said I thought it was an emergency or something since she was blowing up your phone more" "Don't call me 'bro' I'm not your fucking friend or brother. Have some respect." "me? Being 'disrespectful'? Yeah ok, How am I being disrespectful?" "I don't fucking know look how immature you look right now."

"I don't deserve you. You're here texting her again, You do this every time things get bad. Baby I can't keep doing this with you. You're draining, you're ruining me. Your apology is sex and I'm so sick of it I want to feel loved and maybe someone else can give me that because honestly, the only thing 'good' you've done for me would treat me with presents and cuddles and orgasm but I need more. You know I do, I need more love and affection. You don't give me any. You do what I want when you want something out of it. You're scared because you think I'll leave when I hang out with Mar or a guy I'm close to. You're fucking insecure like a little boy. It's time for you to grow up and start to not text your 'toxic' ex and if she is 'toxic' then maybe you're made for each other. Because that's all you are. You're fucking toxic. You broke me,"

My eyes start to water as he is just standing there holding all his feelings back "I love you, baby I do, I need a break. Baby please, I can't do this anymore. You need to talk to me about how you feel and stop holding it back like you are right now. I can't do this anymore"

I walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek and walk away, he grabs my arm and then pushes my lips together with his, he then carries me and throws me on the bed, I aggressively take off his shirt and pants as he takes of mine aggressively as well, he then trails my body with his marks and hickey as he dives his tongue inside of me.

My arrows go in his hair as I start moaning, he then rubs my clit with his thumbs making me contact my high. He then stops as I take off his boxers and then start to suck on his member, I start fast and keep going fast taking all of him in, "mm" I look up as his head is angle back seeing his large adam's apple, I then stop and push him on the bed as I insert myself inside of him bearing up and down, "Baby" he cries.

I fasten my paste as we change positions and he then starts beating into me destroying my insides "fuck me" I yelp. He goes faster setting all of him inside of me as we both complete and lay beside each other as we fall asleep.

His pov:

I awake up and scrutinize over to her and see she isn't there, I then begin combing for her around the apartment and see she is nowhere to be found. I fall to my knees and start shrieking and sobbing. She was my only hope. She valued me, it's all my fault. I need you y/n. I start whimpering and screaming more. I pick up my phone and call her and text her, noticing that she blocked my number. Chucking my phone I then start picking up everything and striking it everywhere.

"Where did I go wrong with her?" I whimper. I love her. I go into the cabinet and grab liquor and then pressure to chug it down my throat. I can't live without her. I was so stupid thinking she would stay. She deserves so much better. She was right about everything, I hate when she is right. She put me in my place, I like that about her. No girl has done that to me. I thought we were meant to be.

2 months later

I walk into the apartment to see clothes, food and smashed stuff everywhere. I walk into the bedroom and see the bedframe broken and the picture of us smashed on the nightstand. I burst into tears as they started running down my face ruining my makeup.

I try to wipe it off but then I blotch it, deserving it worse. I then start to huff and whimper crying on the side of the bed. I get up and look around, beginning to clean the apartment. It looks like he hasn't been here in a while.

Finishing cleaning up as I empty the trash and finish the laundry. I et into the shower and groom myself up, I order food and sit on the side of the bed and start creaming my body.. "y/n?" I flinch and look over to see him, "Is this you? no this isn't really, fuck " he expresses while hitting his head.

I walk up to him and say "no it's me" he hugs me as I get a waft of the liquor and orders on him. I know he is on many drugs and alcohol right now. "Let's get you cleaned up" I mumble "will you do it for me?" I roll my eyes as I strip his clothes off and put him in the shower,  I turn on the shower scrubbing his body with soap and putting shampoo in his hair.

A few minutes later he gets out of the shower and I grab him a towel wrapping it around him and using my towel for his hair, I sit on the counter and scrunch his curly hair with the towel. "I don't know why you did this to yourself." I ask "you weren't here." I similarly noticed that he had sobered up from the alcohol or what he took is however in him.

"Can you just hold me?" he whimpers, I crawl into bed as he gets in with me and I then hold him In my arm in the bed. He conks out in my arm as I forgot I ordered food. I put the food in the fridge and go to sleep on the couch sobbing then falling asleep.

I wake up to it snowing outside getting a beautiful view of Seattle, I walk over to him still sleeping like a baby, I frown in dissatisfaction because I need to get myself out of this. He wakes up looking like the old him again, "come sit love" he says laying his hand beside him, I walk over and set myself in his arms as he holds onto me tight. "I'm so sorry, baby" he apologizes.

"I miss you," I tell him "I miss you." I turn my body around towards him, making our lips touch avoiding kissing. He then slides his tongue inside of my mouth starting to analyze mine, I wrap my arms underneath his arms pulling him closer.

"Don't let me go" I pout, "I won't baby" he mumbles. He shifts his head kissing my neck while he plays with my waistband to my underwear, "may I?" He asks, I nod as he taps my waist and then continues to kiss me, he puts his index and middle inside of me and slides in and out making it hard for me to breathe.

I slide my hands into his boxers and begin stroking on his length, We both begin to go faster as we begin to lose our breaths still locking lips. We initiate moaning softly becoming closer to releasing, He sets his thumb onto my clitoris as he began rubbing it as he is fastening his paste "oh fuck" I cry, We both finish moaning as he scoops me up giving me kisses.

Here we go again.

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