this was real

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"Girl, you look good as fuck! Are you sure you are just going to the pool? Not back to his hotel room?" Monica says, I roll my eyes and turn my head "Yes" with a smirk, "Okay, have fun and be safe" She says with a wink. I close the door as I hear her boyfriend say "Why do you guys talk like that" giving me a giggle.

I shuffle to his door room knocking, He unlocks it unprepared, "shit!" He says, My jaw sitting on the ground, he is posing there with just a towel showing his v line and how jacked he is holy shi- "Oh fuck, my bad you said 11;30" I say looking down "Yeah I'm sorry about that I was just rushing... Come inside" He places a big smirk on his face, I walk into his room and see 2 guys sitting on each bed, "um" I mumble and I turn around, "one sec I just have to put my shorts on. He says giving me a wink... I go and sit down on the edge of the bed, "so what are your names?" I ask, they both look at each other "Eliot... And this is Angelo" he says smiling, I smile at him back "Angelo can't talk to other girls or his girlfriend will break up with him" Eliot says laughing "fuck you man" Angelo says

"Hey, Eliot where is my wallet?" Julian yells, "In my car... Let us go get it I need something as well" "come with us y/n" Julian expresses, "I'll stay here, I'm not really prepared for outside," I say hinting at the bikini and shorts i have on. They both stand there staring, "Well we will only be a second, Stay here."

A couple of minutes go by and Angelo gets up from the bed and walks towards me, "Watch out for Julian, I've heard the things he says about you to el, And I think you deserve better than him" I look at him blankly, why is he talking to me now? And what was juls talking about? "Tell me" "what?" "tell me what he said."

"Come with me I have a plan,"

He takes my hand as we go out the door and into the elevator, So many people in here it's like a sardine can. My butt is now against him, He groans but tries to brush it off, "want me to move?" I suspect "no, Listen" he pulls out his phone and plays a video of Julian talking about how he hasn't "hit" yet, I get this wave of sadness over me all of a sudden, "I'm sorry y/n" I turn around and hug him while everyone leaves the elevator, I release my head from his shoulder while our faces are 1 inch away from each other, pulling my face closer making our noses touch, I push my lips against his, he continues.

Thoughts go running through my mind, Doesn't he have a girlfriend? Why am I kissing Julian's friend? Why did he say that about me? I really liked him, I suddenly feel tears rush down my face, but I won't stop kissing him, This feels like it's straight out of a movie. "y/n" He says trying to pull away causing me to bite his lip. He picks me up from my thighs and pulls me against the wall forcing me to sit on the pole, My hands reach to his hair as he draws in his tongue, I let out a moan as he then starts sucking on my neck, "Angelo" I cry, we hear a ringing putting us back into reality, We sit up as he clicks the buttons.

We run out of the elevator grabbing my hand, "I've never done that before!" I tell with excitement, leading me to the pool, "Wow" The pool is on the roof, and surprisingly  I didn't expect it to be this nice... "go in the water" He commands "aren't you going in?" I question pulling down my shorts and flipping my sandals off, "I don't have anything on for swimming y/n" He states, I never noticed how beautiful this guy looks, He has these chocolate brown eyes, with dark brown hair, and almond skin, He looks so fit, more fit then Julian does. "Then don't wear anything," I tease shrugging He looks down and shakes his head "I'll do it with you, I say walking towards him grabbing his collar to his shirt, "take it off Angelo," I say taunting him, "Y/n..." "Come on! What you've never been skinny dipping before?" I giggle, He shakes his head "fuck you," He says taking off his clothes, I can't be the only one naked though" He hints, My head rolls back, "fine." I grab his hand leading him to the water...

"take it off of me" I command He gives me a concerned look, "I'll do it myself then" He grabs me and unties my bikini, I grab onto his neck and wrap my legs around him, "do you have a girlfriend Angelo?" "No" "then why did Eliot say you did?" "He doesn't know I broke up with her" I pause, "but you guys are friends?" "No, not really I just came here because I had nothing else to do... They're my friends but those shitty friends that invite you to everything, You know?" Besides the fact that I just want to kiss him and I am really horny, I do get what he means. "Yeah, I do."

resting my head on his shoulder, "y/n" He whispers, "yes" "can I fuck you" The words give me goosebumps, The person I was 1 hour ago would say no, But being with Angelo even though I just met him, would say "yes." I push myself off of him and dip my head in the water, "get in first" I smile, He grabs me by my waist and pulls me in, "You, make me feel... Existed" he says, "I was just thinking that, even though we just met" He presses his lips against mine swimming towards the wall, My hand reaches for his length, "what are you doing?" he asks, I shush him and start to move my hand, He groans starting for him to then suck on my breasts, "oh fuck" I moan.

I then position myself putting him inside of me, "Oh, shit" He looked relieved. I begin going up and down, "mmm fuck y/n" We look into each other's eyes causing it to be more intimate and sexy, Angelo then starts putting in his work, causing him to hit the spot, "yes! Right there, Angelo!" He pulls my neck in to kiss me. Carrying me off of him and turning me around, I grip onto the pole as he starts to pound into me. "Ah shit" He groans my moans get louder and louder, "faster baby" I cry, He then pounds everything into me "I'm cumming" causing me to finish as he slips it in and out, "release inside me."

He turns me over and puts himself inside of me again, "Oh y/n" Angelo groans, pounding into me again, his head rolls back making my mouth drop and eyebrows glue together. He then releases in me. I stand up and wrap his head into my chest, "I've never had sex with someone like that." he expresses, "what you mean in a pool?" I say sarcastically "No y/n I mean, This felt real" I then start kissing him again.

Minutes go by and we are in the elevator again. But this time standing side by side, "do you regret it or something?" I ask, "what? No!" He says defensively, "did you?" he mumbles "No, Not at all" He then grabs my hand as we walk out, "holy shit!" Eliot yells. Pointing at us, Angelo lets go of my hand real quick, I look at him weirdly. "I fucking knew it was you fucking her! You know everyone on the top floor has seen you! Yo Julian get out here!"

I suddenly feel frozen, "what a slut" Julian says, I swallow a big gulp, "you can fuck my best friend but can't say anything to me? Holy fuck y/n your pathetic!" He yells "fuck off Julian!" Angelo yells "oh so she isn't just a one-night stand? What about Tatiana? You cheated on her again?" "fuck you man! Honestly, we broke up so fucking long ago maybe if your head wasn't so stuck up Eliot's ass you'd know!" I let out a giggle, as everyone's head turns to me.

"Got something to say slut?" Angelo pushes Julian, "Oh you wanna fight me? Come one hit me you son of a bitch!" "fuck off! Get this fucking camera out my face Eliot!" throwing it on the ground oops... "Angelo let's go! Grab your shit in his room and let's go!" I yell. Watching him walk to the room.

"y/n-" I slap him right in the face "that's for me! Did you really think I wasn't going to find out what you were saying about me? Fuck I should've gone out with Angelo this whole time! Because at least he actually has respect for himself and others." I say eyeing him and Eliot, I walk away as I hear mumbling.

We make it back to my hotel room, its pitch black, "shh, come on" I whisper, We lay down on the bed and he gives me his shirt to sleep in, We both get in bed as I mumble "it felt so real. It feels like it all meant to happen."

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