Chapter 17

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When my eyes adjusted to the light, I awoke to see all my friends gathered around my hospital bed.

"Hi, guys." I croaked. I still felt like crap, knowing they had to do something with my blood to get all the chemicals out.

Everyone greeted me with smiles on their faces, even Sherlock was grinning. I noticed a face I hadn't seen in a while in the back of the group.

"Dad?" I asked the shadowy figure. The man stepped forward, revealing himself. "Hey, sweetheart. How ya doing?" he asked in that same mellow voice that I had loved. I really missed him when he was gone. It had been too long.

I sat up in bed and hugged him tight. "I missed you, Dad." I said, feeling my voice start to crack and my eyes pooling with tears. He returned the hug, whispering in my ear, "I missed you too."

"Are you crying, Cici?" Dad asked. I realised that for the first time in a while, I was crying because I was happy. I wasn't crying because I was dying or in serious pain. I was crying because I was happy.

"Yeah, Dad. I am crying." I sniffed. "But for once, I'm crying because I'm happy." Everyone gathered in for a group hug. I felt truly happy for the first time since Rose left.

"So, are you still gonna travel and solve mysteries and stuff?" Dad asked. "You know what? I am. I like the adventure. Plus, these guys are pretty awesome." I smiled.

This is what I wanted my life to be. Finally, I knew where was headed, and I liked it.

"So, what did they have to do to me?" I asked. "Oh, it was a simple procedure. All he did was give you an overdose of 48 hour Tylenol. It had already naturally flowed out of your system." Molly replied. "They just kept you here to check on you."

"Wow, that's.....almost pathetic. Moriarty's gotta step up his game if he wants to bring me down. Tylenol? Really? What was he thinking?" I laughed at the thought. Everyone joined in. "Yeah, that was pretty dumb." Dad said.

"Well, now for the big question." I announced. That seemed to put everybody on edge. "When am I getting out of here?" I asked anxiously.

"Right now." Dad stated. I let out a breath of relief. I was done with hospitals. I went into the bathroom in my room and changed. It felt good to be up and around, feeling normal again. I knew I was far from normal, but at least I wasn't 'dying' from a Tylenol overdose. I would look back on these days and laugh.

I walked out of the room, my dad and the group following me. "Well guys, this has been fun. Let's do this again sometime." I said jokingly, making everyone laugh.

"Sounds great, how about next week, down at Baker Street?" Sherlock joked. "Yeah, right. I'm hoping we won't have to do anything like this ever again. I might if it didn't involve me overdosing on cold medicine." I smirked.

With that, I went back home with Dad. I knew I would see them again. Sure, life wasn't perfect, but it seemed a lot better now. I would still have to deal with my evil stepmom, but maybe not. I do remember waking up one night, hearing them screaming at each other. Maybe things would work out even better that they were now. It didn't matter to me. I was happy where I was, on a roller coaster that only goes up.

A/N: Well guys, this is it. That's the end. I hope you enjoyed. I worked hard on this, all for you guys. I am currently working on another story, a Sherlolly fanfic. I look forward to writing more stories and I'll catch you guys in the next one! Peace out, pegacorns. (Pegasus/ unicorn hybrid. Don't judge)

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