Chapter 1

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A/N: There will be mild suggestive content throughout, but nothing you Whovians and Cumbercookies can't handle right? And for those of you wondering, this is during the 10th Doctor's time. Anyway, thanks for reading and enjoy!
It was going to be today. I was going to go talk to them. I had been waiting for the perfect time. That time was now. I know this sounds cheesy, but I just knew. I am Cicily Reynolds, and I was going to face the two 'smartest' minds in the universe, and they were going to see that I knew more than they thought.

"Mom! I'm going out! I'll be gone all day!" Any normal parent would have a negative reaction to my statement, but my mom simply said "The sooner you leave, the better." She hates me. My dad was at work, as usual. That's all he ever did is work. We don't even need the money. When my grandparents died, my dad was left with millions of dollars in inheritance money, but he's a bona fide workaholic.

I strolled over onto Baker Street, the notorious blue box still sitting there. I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to Sherlock or the Doctor first. I decided that since that little blue box was closer, I would step inside its doors and finally meet the man I had wanted to talk to since I was 12. I knocked on the bright blue doors, only to see the doors open with the slightest touch.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I yelled. "Whoever you are, it'd be better if you left." a voice called out from the shadows. "I'm not looking for trouble" I said as sweetly as I could. "Just the Doctor." I couldn't help but smile slyly to myself. This was fun.

"Well, you've come to the right place!" he said as he stepped brightly down the steps of the TARDIS. "I-" He stopped dead in his tracks. "You. I know you from somewhere. Who are you?" I stepped toward him. "My name is Cicily. You might have seen me around. I live over on Smedly, and I know you happen to like parking the TARDIS in the alley right next to my house." I said with a small smirk at the end. I couldn't help it. I loved being smart with really smart idiots.

"You knew my name. How did you know that?" he said warily. Crap. What was I supposed to say? I heard it from Rose, and I knew I shouldn't mention her to him after the pain he went through when she 'died'. I knew the truth.

Rose was my best friend. I missed her so, but I just didn't know how to tell him. I decided to go with the flat out truth.

"One word. Rose." I said with a small waver in my voice. I let a tear fall, but I quickly swiped it away. I couldn't read his expression. He walked toward me and stared at me for the longest time before he said with a scowl, "You have no idea."

I didn't get it. Why was he angry? Was it because I mentioned her? I decided to try and talk to him.

"She was good friends with me. She told me everything about you and all the wonders she saw with you. I know the truth about what happened to her. I miss her too, you know. If you think your loss is greater than mine, you are so wrong. She practically raised me. My mother hates me and my dad works 24/7. I know your life isn't easy either and that you've been to hell and back but I'm going to tell you something. Nobody's life is easy. If you think you can say that your pain is greater than anyone else's, then you don't know what pain truly is."

I couldn't believe what I had just done. I just got real with the Doctor. Wow.

He stood there, looking confused and star struck. I swore he was going to tell me to get out, but he dropped to his knees and leaned his head on the control panel of the TARDIS as tears rolled down his face. He looked sad, but for all the wrong reasons. Not because of Rose, but rather because his ego had just been torn to shreds by a teenage girl.

I felt weird standing there in the silence, but I didn't leave. I wasn't leaving until he got his crap together and faced me. After a while, he stood up and hugged me. Yes, hugged me. He said in a soft voice, "Thank you for bringing me into the light." Okay. He was getting all poetic now.

I stepped away and said, "Hold up now. I'm a fourteen year old girl. I don't need the whole 'You saved me' schpeal. I know that I said stuff that made you question your own existence and all that jazz so either shake off that goofy face and talk to me like a real person or let me leave." Ooh. That sounded hostile. Not the best way to talk to a genius.

His mouth curved into a smile and he said to me, "Well then. Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine!" as he stood there laughing at the fact that I had just acted like I was some kind of important adult. I perked up a little and laughed along with him.

"Yeah, I kinda need to work on my introduction skills. Why don't we start over? Hi! My name is Cicily. What's yours?" I said, acting like my normal, bright self again.

He smiled at me and said in the Scottish accent that I thought sounded so funny, "I'm the Doctor, and I'm an alien." I don't remember Rose telling me that he could be so blunt with the fact that he was an extraterrestrial.

"So....what now?" I asked him. I had no idea what I was doing. "Well, I could give you a tour of the TARDIS to start the 'get to know you' process." Man, this guy really knew how to charm a girl. No wonder Rose liked him so much.

"Sounds like fun!" I said with enthusiasm. I was enjoying this. I didn't know meeting people was this much fun! Little did I know, Sherlock wasn't going to be as easy to talk to.

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