The New Baby

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Alador looked at his newborn. This was the first time he saw Amity since she was born. There had been a snowstorm the night Amity was born. The only thing Alador wanted to do was trudge through the snow to the healers, but he isn't an idiot. It wasn't as if he could anyways, with two toddlers that are known for causing trouble, he couldn't just leave them alone. So, he waited like a dog for its owner to return home.

It took two days for the storm to pass, and Alador was more than ready for it to be over. It wasn't till late afternoon that Alador heard anything. The front door opened and there stood his wife, with no baby? That confused Alador, making him think the worst had happened, but then he saw a healer walk in, holding a small witchling in his hands.

Alador sighed as he saw his baby, and how he didn't get any depressive news. Odalia didn't say a word, she looked annoyed more than anything. A very different expression than what Alador had. He looked like a witchling who got a new baby griffin.

Almost instantly taking the baby from the healers hands, Alador cradled his child like she was made of glass, he was glad he washed off all the abomination goo off his hands that day. Odalia just scoffed at him. She was never the maternal type, rather she'd just leave it to the maids, and sometimes if Alador was lucky, Odalia would let him be the one to take care of his kids.

But right now, Alador didn't care what his wife thought. All he was focused on was the little witchling snuggling up to him for warmth. A sense of pride filled his heart, the twins never really did this. They seemed too only be affectionate to each other. Alador studied the baby's face, she has a little bit of hair on her head, as you would expect from a newborn. The auburn color is what caught his eye.

The twins were born with Odalia's green hair, which she was promptly overjoyed with. But when the twins opened their eyes to show that they inherited Alador's golden hues. Odalia was not happy with that one bit. She stated how they're less beautiful now with golden eyes instead of blue. Don't get Alador started on when Odalia found out that they had a mole on their faces, she luckily didn't do anything altering and just accepted it. Alador didn't see a problem with his children's 'defects' as his wife put it.

Alador already knew when he saw his child's hair that Odalia disapproved of it. Then Odalia walked over to Alador, and grabbed a tuff of the baby's hair and examined it. Scoffing she let go of the hair and quickly left without a word, that just proved Alador right.

Sighing out of annoyance, Alador refocused on the baby he was holding. Without noticing the healer had already left and left the birth certificate on the table.

Amity let out a little whine. Obviously still not warm enough by the way she was trying to get even closer to her father. The pink Otabin blanket wrapped around her still was not enough either. Alador seeing her trying to get warmer, did not go past him. He walked to his library since it had a fireplace in it. Alador then got one of the maids to help him light the fireplace since he didn't want to let Amity go yet. He then turned off the lights, so the fire was the only source of light.

Sitting down in a chair that was worn down from years of use, Alador refused to get rid of it, even after Odalia told him too. It was one of the things Alador could control after he married Odalia, and when she moved in. The library was completely his, and you could tell how livelier it was compared to the rest of the house.

Now in his favorite chair and the fireplace going, Alador finally relaxed. Holding Amity closer to give her even more warmth, Amity made a content noise from that action. That little noise made Alador's heart soar. He didn't even realize how tired he got, and apparently his baby was tired too. Slowly letting his head fall back, Alador made sure his witchling was safe before letting sleep take over him.

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