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I'm breathing heavily...

My eyes are drowsy...

I'm shivering to the bones...

I could feel the cold tiled floor from the thin futon beneath my back... This is my favorite futon because...

This is... the only bed I own since I could remember.

I am lucky I have a pillow below my head, and an old pillow between my legs with which I nuzzled my trembling body with.

I clutched my blanket which I have been using for the last 18 years of my life. I pulled it to cover my upper body, leaving my feet frozen in cold.

I... I'm definitely sick and I am so dizzy...

For the last 18 years...I'm feeling empty... incomplete... It feels like I'm missing something in my life...

Being deep in my thoughts, I didn't even heard the loud thumping of her footsteps inside the basement.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it tightly! I winced in pain.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU'LL BE LATE FOR WORK!" she yelled loudly as she continued pulling my long dark brown hair into the air.

I flinched.

"M...Mom... I'm.. feeling sick.. I... don't think-" I was stopped by a brute pull that makes my head face her.


She started plummeting me with her free hand still pulling my hair which made my head is aching so badly.... worse than earlier.

"Mom.. Mom.. Please... Stop.. It.. It.. hurts... Please.." I begged as I curled up, trembling.

She let go of her grip. I started to catch my breath thinking that she stop already.

But I was wrong.

In fact, she have just began..

I felt her kicking my stomach, my back, and every part of my body forcefully that I felt tears trailing down my bruised face.

I covered my face with my arms and tried shoving her off.

I felt her stepped back a little

"YOU BASTARD! TRYING TO PUSH ME AWAY, HUH?!" she yelled, walked a little towards the desk and grabbed a shiny thing from the table.

My eyes widen as I realized that she's holding the scissors I used last night to cut my hair.

"Mom.. Mom... Please... I.. Stop... I'll.. go to.. work.. Please... Forgive me... I promise... I'll work today... Just forgive me!" I pleaded.

I unconsciously covered my face with my arms as I saw her walking towards me again pointing the object to my face..

The sharp object penetrated my skin as I felt it in my right arm. I whimpered in pain. She stabs my arms over and over, hearing some devilish chuckle from her.

I'm scared.

I heard a loud thud after a while and as I looked at the floor, I saw the scissors on there.

She grabbed my hair again and pulled me into the door. I am so weak right now that I couldn't resist her...

Though, I honestly can't resist her in normal occasions. I don't have the heart to hurt her, she's still my mom..

She pulled me hard and my body just slide into the floor.

She pushed my head so hard into the cemented wall that I weep loudly.

I felt a warm liquid flowing out of my forehead. It's bleeding.

I breath heavily and looked at the demonic appearance of my Mom hovering over me.

"BE READY FOR WORK, OSAMU... BE LATE AND I'M GONNA BREAK YOUR BONES!" she yelled and loudly stepped out of the basement.

I fell into the floor crying. I felt so weak. I crawled back to my futon feeling all the pain in my body.

I have to endure it. I have to go to work.

Tears continuously make its way into the cold floor.... as I knelt down and fold my stuff. I attended to my forehead placing a bandaid over it for the meantime. Though, it doesn't really help....

It's still painful....

I walked out of my room- the basement which has always been my comfort zone. I'm limping in pain, caressing my wounded arm, and wincing at the agony I am suffering now.

My head is spinning, but I have to go to work. I need to.

I head straight for the door and grab the knob as quick as I could.

"Samu, please be back with money" Mom said sweetly.

I turned my head towards her direction. She smiled and walked in front of me in a blink of an eye.

She caressed my cheeks and kissed my forehead. She gave me that glare... that scary glare I fear all these years.

"Ye.. Yes.. Mom.. I will." I stuttered.

"Good boy." she said and opened the door for me.

I stepped out of that hell hugging myself, without looking back, I rapidly strode towards work...

An 8-hour shift... A straight 8 hours away from that living hell... away from her.

My Missing Piece | Miya Twins [Angst]Where stories live. Discover now