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I'm breathing the sweet aroma of my newly washed bedsheet.

My eyes are still closed enjoying the morning breeze from my window.

I can feel the warmth through my body.

My bed is a comfortable space which we just purchased few days ago.

I have tons of pillows I lay my head into and hug as I may please. I pulled my blanket to gave me more warmth.

I'm definitely enjoying my life.

I am living a peaceful comfortable life yet, I could feel something is missing in my life... I feel incomplete.... For the last 18 years... I'm empty inside.

Being so deep in my train of thoughts, I didn't realize that Dad is already sitting on my bed.

He caressed my hair and I smiled to myself.

"Son, are you alright? You'll be late for school." he said softly while still caressing my hair.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him

"D.. Dad... I don't think I can.. I'm feeling sick." I replied as he put his hand into my forehead to check

"Want me to bring you to the hospital, Atsumu? I can send an excuse letter to the university.." he said with concerned face and brushed away the tears I didn't know is flowing.

This is so weird... I always unconsciously cry... feeling like half of me is suffering... For the last 18 years... I am feeling devastated for something unconscious to me..

He started stroking my arms calming me down with his free hand. My aching head started to feel a little better than earlier.

"Dad.. Dad.. I'm okay now.. I think I just need some hug from my super dad." I sweetly asked since Dad and I are super close with each other.

He smiled at me and slowly lay down beside me.

I hug him and nuzzled myself into his body. Dad is my comfort zone.

I chuckled to myself...thinking that I am his big baby.

He giggled as he hugged me back.

"You're so sweet today son. Something wrong?" he asked and grabbed a stuffed animal behind me as he sat on the bed.

My eyes set straight on him. That's my favorite stuff animal- a fox.

"Dad.. I think I can attend my classes today. No need to worry." I whispered

He hugged the fox in one of his hands and started tickling me with the other.

I laughed with this but I felt tears all over my face. He looked at me worriedly and pulled me up so we are both now sitting on the bed.

He put his arm over my shoulder as we stood and slowly walked towards the door.

I weakly strode with him near the door and let me sit on the desk near it.

He offered me water to drink. It's a warm liquid that flows down into my throat. It was supposed to help me feel better, but it didn't actually.

I breath heavily and looked at the worried expression of him kneeling in front of me.

"Are you sure you're okay, Tsumu? I can bring you to the hospital." he muttered

I nodded.

My head fell into my palms. I'm crying still and Dad was there hugging me tightly.

I have been enduring the pain I don't know where actually is coming from.... It's dreadful and devastating.

Dad and I walked out of the room. I still brush away the tears in my eyes as he cancelled all his appointments and work.

My head is spinning in confusion.... Why do I always feel this way?

I ate breakfast, took a shower, and started changing my clothes. Dad and I went to the garage and rode into his new car.

"Let's just visit the hospital real quick, okay?" Dad said as he start the engine.

He looked at me and smiled worriedly. I smiled though my eyes are puffy.

"Okay, Dad."

"Good boy." he started to drive.

I felt a little relief having him accompany me today.

Few hours of relief with Dad... Few hours to at least forget the torment feeling inside of me...

My Missing Piece | Miya Twins [Angst]Where stories live. Discover now