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A/N: It's the 31st of December 2021... so I'll be posting this today... and another chapter tomorrow.

The next part for this story would probably be by February 14, 2022...

Enjoy. ❤️

I gasped for air!

Like I need air more than ever because my lungs are tightening and I can't breath properly..

I slowly opened my eyes...

I felt a cold dripping of liquid from my forehead.

My vision is blurry but I am certain that I am laying down in a soft futon.

Soft futon?!

Where am I?

With all the strength I have, I lifted my head, my arms and elbows supporting my weight as I sat upright into the bed making the wet towel fall into my lap.

I picked the cloth up and scoot over near the headboard so I can lean my back on it.

Panting, I search the room with my eyes still adjusting my sight to the light and blurriness.

I heard the door creaking open and squinted my eyes to see a tall man entered the room.

I gasped and moved my back nervously, frightened.

"Hey...It's me...  Are you...okay?"

Knowing this familiar voice, I relaxed my tensed body and stiffed shoulders.

I frowned
"Where.. are..we? What.. happened?"

"You're in my house, Samu. You collapsed at work so I took you home."

"You took me home.... N..No... No... I need to.. work... Mom... would... be mad... she'll... would kill me... if...she'll knew...I... skipped...work.... just because...I collapsed... N..No...Sir... Please.... I ...need...to go...back...to...work... Ple...please..."

Suna Rintarō panicked seeing his employee hyperventilating... He sat on the bed and embraced him, rubbing his back to calm him down..

Rintarō continuously whispered "Calm down, Samu... Calm down" but the other seems so scared and invested in his thoughts.

"N...No... I need to.. work.. I need money... so she could love me... I need... I need to work.. Sir... Please.. let me work... I need it... Please" Osamu cried in each pant, still struggling to break free from the embrace.

Rintarō on the other hand tightened his grip to the other guy.

"I... don't want ..to disappoint her... She'll kill me... She'll kill me..." 

Osamu started breathing unevenly and Rintarō could feel the dark brown haired guy in his arms weakening every moment as the other limped his arms down.

Rintarō is fully aware of what Osamu's mother can do.


She once visited the coffee shop and beaten up Osamu for not going back home the other day with his salary. Osamu explained, after each punch that he's taking overtime to earn more, which angered the lady telling that Osamu is making lame excuses.

The other staff and costumers tried stopping her, and Rintarō, being Osamu's boss and lover, gave her money which made the old angry lady left the shop with the impression that she's a demon.

Everyone was stunned and was unable to speak for the first few minutes.

Osamu curled up into the floor, trembling in pain, as Tadashi and Akaashi, two of the crew that time, knelt down to help him.

"Sorry for the commotion. Please... enjoy your stay. All your orders are in the house free of charge" Rintarō announced trying to ease the murmurs and the situation.

Once in the locker room, they attended to Osamu's wounds and bruises.

"Your mom is still beating you at home... That's why you always have fresh bruises... Don't lie to us anymore, Osamu... We're worried" Akaashi said while putting ice on the other's forehead.

Osamu remained quiet glued his eyes into the floor.

"We can file police-" Tadashi stopped as he realized Osamu glaring at him

"N...No... My mom... She's still.. my mom... aw.. that hurts.." he replied as he felt Rintarō's hand on his left shoulder pressing it lightly.

"Tadashi, Akaashi... I'll just have a private conversation with Samu... Would that be fine?"

"Sure." Tadashi answered and bowed their heads before leaving the small locker area.

"You're being abused and tortured at home... You should consider your safety." I said as soon as the other two left.

"I.. I am not.."

"Don't be so in denial. It's obvious on how you earn more bruises everyday and how she treated you even in public places." I knelt down and stare at Osamu.

"She..She's just frustrated and... mad... but... Mom... loves...me" and tears escaped Osamu's eyes

That's what Osamu wanted to believe. That her mom is just having a bad day.... that she loves him nonetheless... but it hurts.. so much

"My offer still stands, Samu.."

"I can't." Osamu said averting his eyes.


"Sir... I can't leave her... I shouldn't.. I love her..."

"I know... But I can support her needs so-"

"No... I don't want to burden you Sir."

"Rin... that's Rin for you, Samu... I'm your boyfriend... and I'm willing to marry you."

"I know, Rin... Sorry... But... She's my responsibility and I don't want to...  I don't want other people to think I'm using you for your money.... " Osamu cried and felt a soft hand caressing his reddish cheek.

"I love you, Samu. Please..."


Until today, Osamu haven't agreed on leaving his abusive mother.

Rintarō planned of leaving Hyogo and start anew with Osamu in Tokyo away from the other's demonic mother.

But it remains as plan for as long as Osamu stay with her.

Today, Osamu came to work feverish and eventually collapsed during work hours. Rintarō took Osamu home with him because he knew the latter's mother would definitely wouldn't accept the fact that Samu's sick and can't work... She'll probably beat him up again.

Rintarō worries a lot, but he couldn't do drastic things. He wanted Osamu to be happy and safe.

But looking at Osamu's bruised face and body, Rintarō certainly knew that his lover isn't happy nor safe.

He's so worried.

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