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"I'm bringing Samu to Tokyo.. This may be impulsive for my part... But I would want him to have more medical opportunities there" Rintarō announced as he called a meeting with his employees...

"We wouldn't... I mean... no one can blame you for your decision, Sir.. We know, all you want is to help Samu... We truly understand.. Besides the new area manager would be around soon, too, right?" Akaashi said bitterly smiling.

"Yes.. He is a good person... He's humble and kind. I know he'll treat you all well." Rintarō said reassuringly.

Tadashi and Akaashi nodded.

Osamu has been in coma for the last three months now..

and all Rin could do with each passing day is to cry as he wishes to every God to bring Osamu back to him... all he ever wanted is to see his Osamu's smiles.

They have been staying at Tokyo for more than 2 months now, and Osamu has been confined into a private hospital which provides advanced medical attention to him. Rin continuously expand his business in the capital as he headed the operations on building his next branch.

Every now and then, Kōtarō Bokuto, his new area manager in Hyogō, would give him a call for store updates.

Everything is going smoothly... except the fact that Osamu hasn't woken up yet which brings devastation to Rintarō..  but never once he lose hope that one of these days, his beloved would wake up and they'll be spending the rest of their lives together.

After 6 months, Rin, as usual, got a call from his area manager saying that the business is booming and things are getting pretty awesome.

The owl head is energetic... the total opposite of his new boyfriend, Akaashi. Bokuto just informed Rin about his and Keiji's relationship recently making the store owner smile a little. He felt thrilled, but of course a pang of envy rose inside his chest...

He shakes his feelings off... Other's happiness shouldn't make him feel selfish and sad. He just greeted the two congratulations and ended the call that time

That night, he drove to the hospital, feeling empty... heart aching. Rin slowly strides inside the hall, and opened the familiar door...

He sat there, tears escaping his eyes.. He held Osamu's cold hand tightly wishing Osamu could feel his emptiness. Rin couldn't help but feel hopeless.

"Please... Come back to me, Samu... Please... I love you..." he repeatedly said those words trying his best to believe that it will ease all the pain within himself.

He woke up, the sun brightly shining through the window. He fell asleep, his head leaning on the bed. Osamu is still there, eyes closed....

"Could you hear my pleads, Samu? Do you know I'm waiting for you?" he weep and slowly brushed those tears away.

Rin left the hospital after giving his boyfriend a soft warm kiss.

Today is a special day... It's the opening of their store branch here in Tokyo. Rin is excited yet got this tiredness in himself he couldn't shake. His body is here in the store opening, but his mind and heart is there with Osamu all this time.

Happy moments feel fatal and lonely without his lover beside him... He couldn't spend joyful days alone... it makes him feel like he could be happy without Osamu ... and he hates that feeling...

"Congratulations" everyone greeted and he smiled at them bitterly.

"This is a good start, wouldn't you agree?" one of his investors commented as they stood outside the shop looking at the establishment.

He sighed.

~To be Continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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