Chapter 2: Yelena Belova

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'Yelena,' Kate turns around to face her with a half-smile, mentally trying to figure out to what she owes this unexpected visit. Maybe she should have anticipated a visit from her one of these days, especially after the whole Christmas situation. 'Have you come to kill Clint again? I'm afraid you won't find him here but I'm more than ready to take his place in a fight.' She realizes that comes out too boldly, knowing how skilled Yelena actually is.

She shrugs, not at all intimidated. 'Oh, Kate Bishop. You are so funny. I would love to fight you but I have come for another matter.'

It'd be an understatement to say Kate is relieved she wasn't actually planning on starting a fight. She would not have been prepared, especially with her bow being inside the apartment and her outside of it. Plus, she still needs to figure out some of the trick arrows Clint had taught her to make over the past few weeks.

'Okay.' She's curious about what other matter Yelena Belova has for her. Maybe, she thinks, she recognised my worth and wants me on a secret mission. As cool as that would be, she's pretty sure she shouldn't team up with the person who tried to assassinate Hawkeye. As friendly as she seems now that she has given that up, you never really know.

To Kate's surprise, Yelena's mouth drops, forming the most dramatic pout she has ever seen, almost looking sad. 'I need to know where you ran off to, Kate Bishop. You promised we'd have coffee together. Have you been ignoring me?'

At first, Kate is too stunned to speak. Then: 'Did you just track me down at one o'clock in the morning to have coffee with me?'

'Answer my question, Kate Bishop.' Her voice turns deeper, a threat hiding behind her tone.

'N-no!' She yells in defence. 'I mean, I haven't been ignoring you. I wasn't home. I-I was visiting Clint.' Her words come out in a stutter, betraying how confused she is.

'My mistake. I should have looked there.'

'No, you definitely should not have looked there. Pretty sure Clint would have lost his shit if you came that close to his family.'

Kate turns her key and opens the door. Yelena remains standing next to her, pouting face and all. 'Oh,' she then says, understanding what's going on, 'you actually want to have coffee? Now? Everything's closed!'

'Keep avoiding me, Kate Bishop. I get it. Obviously, you do not want to have coffee with me.'

At this point, she has no idea what to do. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, except it's unclear which one of the two Yelena is to her. Calling her a friend is a bit far-stretched but she isn't lying when she says everything is closed. It's 1 AM. Maybe there's one of those 24-hour coffee shops nearby but she has no idea where that would be.

Then she remembers that one of the pizza places a couple of blocks away tends to stay open pretty late so that may be worth a shot.

'Alright,' she sighs. 'Let's go. But let me go grab a scarf first, it's freezing.'

A big smile forms on Yelena's face which makes Kate think she won't entirely regret staying out a bit longer. Aside from their fights, she's never been horrible to her and she has to admit that she is kind of funny.

'I'll also let Lucky stay at home, he's had a long day.' So did I, she adds in her head.

Yelena looks down at Lucky as if she's only just noticed him, which is probably the case. Instantly, her face turns all puppy-eyed, as if to mimic him. 'He is yours? Please, take him with us! I love dogs!'

Lucky's face is stuck somewhere between excitement and complete exhaustion. 'He's really tired. Maybe next time?'

'Oh, next time? You are fast, Kate Bishop!' She smiles.

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