Chapter 5: Dinner with Friends

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They only just sat down when Yelena speaks up. 'I'm glad I'm having dinner with you again, Kate Bishop.' The emphasis on "you" makes the guilt rise up even more in Kate's stomach.

After what had happened yesterday, Kate reached out to her friend to see if she'd like to have dinner together. Obviously, she replied.

Part of her had expected to be dismissed and rightfully so. Maybe Yelena was angry. Maybe she felt like she couldn't trust her anymore. Maybe she had gotten hurt in that fight after all.

Kate picked out a new, fancy steak restaurant she only managed to get a reservation for by using her mother's name. She felt that an extravagant place like that was the perfect setting for an apology dinner.

However, now that Yelena is sitting in front of her, she does not look angry at all.

'First of all,' Kate starts, 'I am so sorry about Grills. I should not have pushed that.'

No, Yelena Belova does not look angry. Instead, her frown indicated something perhaps worse.

'Yeah, why did you even do that?'

It's not a question Kate anticipated because to her, it seems obvious why she would force two friends on a date together. Obviously, at least one party had feelings for the other. Obviously, she thinks they would make a cute couple, although Yelena would make any relationship look stunning. But Yelena seems genuinely clueless and it breaks Kate's heart a little.

The waiter takes their order: they both order a different dish so they can try each other's and they get a side portion of spicy sweet potato fries to share. As the waiter walks away, Kate hears Yelena's stomach grumble which makes her giggle but when she gets a raised eyebrow in return, she pretends like it's nothing.

In truth, she believes that eating with Yelena may have become her favourite activity. Even if eating together means she did something stupid she has to apologize for.

'Kate Bishop, why did you make him take me out for food? Did you want to get rid of me?' She pouts again.

Kate sighs. 'You know I don't ever want to get rid of you.' But her friend looks at her in a way that indicates that she doesn't know that so maybe the reminder is helpful. 'I was pretty sure that Grills likes you. Well, liked you. I'm quite sure he's stuck in between shock and devotion right now.'

'Well-!' Yelena exclaims as she struggles to fish up an argument. 'I like you and I'd much rather spend my day with you than with someone I barely even know!'

'You know that's not what I mean. Not as friends. He super-likes you.'

'Well, I "super-like" you too, Kate Bishop.'

Kate blinks at her a couple of times, first in surprise, trying to process what her friend just told her, then in annoyance as she realizes she just doesn't understand any dating lingo whatsoever. 'He has a crush on you. Full-on love at first sight. Think Romeo and Juliet. We watched the one with Leonardo DiCaprio. Now imagine Grills is Romeo.'

'That doesn't make any sense, Kate Bishop. We aren't from rivaling families.'

'Look, I just assumed it would be a harmless little date that could potentially turn into something. I'm really sorry for pushing you.'

Yelena stays silent, her pouting mouth glued to her face. Kate is more than relieved when the waiter brings over their drinks and a little appetizer to share. She instantly sets the champagne glass to her lips, waiting on Yelena to make the next move, to share how the apology makes her feel. Was it lacking? Was it just enough? Anything.

Finally, she asks: 'Do you want it?' She gestures to the mini beef tourtieres in front of them.

Kate shakes her head. 'All yours.'

A tiny glimpse of a smile reappears on her friend's face and she feels baffled at how simple yet complex Yelena Belova is.

'Do you want to talk about what happened after your ... not-date?'

Yelena shrugs. 'What is there to talk about? Some guys thought it would be funny to mess with me because I am a girl. Grills thought he could put them in their place but one of them punched him and I can't possibly let them beat up the person who just paid for my food. Sooooo I went a little crazy.' A wide grin appears on her face.

'A little too crazy, I heard from Wendy,' Kate frowns in worry. She would have been devastated if her friend had to go to prison. She knows she would have tried to break her out and that would not look good on her Avengers résumé. 'But I'm really glad you're alright.'

'Kate Bishop! You were worried about me? You are adorable!' Yelena starts to laugh-cry.

'Hey, I wasn't looking forward to having to bail your ass out of jail,' she defends herself.

But Yelena just keeps laughing and Kate is glad her meddling seems to be forgiven and forgotten.

'I don't like men,' Yelena says out of nowhere.

'Literally, who does?' Kate agrees, reaching for her drink. 'If some dudes tried to interrupt my walk home, I'd also try to beat them up.'

'No. I don't like men.'

Kate nearly spits out her drink. 'Y-you don't?' She stumbles over her words, feeling her face flush. Embarrassment only makes her face even redder because she had no idea a revelation like that would affect her this much. 'So ... women, huh?'

Kate, literally shut the fuck up, she tells herself.

'I don't know, Kate Bishop. The way you described it earlier, no, I don't like men. I don't know if I like women like that but if it means anything, I feel more okay around them.'

'Have you ever been with a girl?'

Yelena stares out into the restaurant, her eyes blank. 'I never had time to even think about any of this, so, no. Between my fake childhood and being a Widow, I never went on any real dates.'

The way she pronounces the last word makes Kate's heart drop into her chest. There's also a whole lot to unpack in what she just said but she leaves it be. For now. Instead, she asks: 'Would you like to try it?'

Yelena nods shyly.

'Give me your phone.'

She's watching her friend cautiously as she spends the next five minutes or so scrolling and typing on her phone. Finally, she shoots a picture of her as she's gazing out the window. Kate hadn't expected it to look that good. God, she looks angelic. She sips some more champagne to mask her awkward flush. Then, she gives back her phone.

'You're all set up!'

'For what?' She stares wide-eyed at her phone.

'Online dating. I put your preference to, ya know, women.' She fidgets with the cuffs of her shirt. 'So whenever you want to, I don't know, go on a date, you can use that.'

Yelena looks mesmerized at all the possibilities this gives her. 'Thank you.'

While she's scrolling around for a little while, Kate sinks into her seat. She had thought there is nothing she would regret more than setting Yelena up for a date with Grills but this? This feels worse. It dawns upon her that she just gave the friend who has been making her days a lot more tolerable a reason to not visit as much.

When the waiter brings over their meals, Kate orders more champagne because lost in thought, she had drank most of it and she needs a whole lot more to figure out why Yelena smiling at her phone like that makes her feel this anxious. 


Editing this was such a pleasure because I'm seeing Multiverse of Madness later today and I need distractions so I don't start to mindlessly scroll online and find spoilers. To anyone who has seen it/is going to see it: have fun! And I hope you enjoyed chapter 5 of my little fanfic! :) 

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