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Oh my!! One of my chapters reached 52 votes!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!

WARNING: sexual content, fits of rage.

Pretty Little Lady

Heat. Alpha. Heat. Alpha.

Those were the only words running through my mind as the day trudged forward. Both of those words stirred up a pool of excitement in my stomach, like my body knew what they meant but my head was slowly coming to understand. Do I ask Grey and Ryker? Or should I keep it to myself?

If I ask them, they will just try and squeeze every little detail out of me, and then realize that Theo is behind all of my worry and try and hurt him. Although he did give me that awful drink, he is still a person and I can't have him getting hurt.

Or is he an Alpha? He said he could be the "third Alpha" if I needed help with my "heat". That obviously means that he has to be an Alpha, and that he knows that Grey and Ryker are also Alpha's.

But what is heat? I think I will just ask Ryker and Grey what that is. They always explain things to me. Hopefully it's not a sexual thing because when they explain things like that to me, it makes me fairly uncomfortable.

Ugh, why did all of this have to happen? My life was completely fine with not knowing anything about wolves or mates and parties. Why did they have to tell me? I mean, it is flattering and it explains so much as to why it's okay for me to have two boyfriends, but everyone else only has one.

But, wait a second! They never really asked me to be their girlfriend! We were just...oh my. Why has this never crossed my mind?

"Baby doll?" I heard a deep whisper in my ear, pulling me from my thoughts. I felt that my eyebrows were furrowed; how long have I been like that?

"What is heat?" I blurted out, turning to look Grey in the eyes. I saw his eyes darken to black before Grey quickly regained control of himself.

"This is not a conversation we should have in public, baby doll." His hand was placed on my leg, drawing little circles on my inner thigh.

"But why?" I asked, getting frustrated and annoyed. They always want things to go their way, they never meet me half way.

Grey leaned in very closely, his breath fanning down my neck as his lips brushed against my ear. "Don't make me bend you over my knee, baby doll, and spank you in front of everyone. Am I clear?" My lower abdomen clenched in need at his words. I bit my lip and nodded my head.

I turned back to my lunch and slowly ate it in silence, my bum tingling at his words. The memory of being spanked was still fresh in my mind. The way he held me over his lap, and the sound of his palm connecting with my skin sent shivers down my spine.

The rest of the day was slow, and uneventful. I tried to steer clear of Kali but she always came right back to my side, talking and talking as if nothing was going on.

How does she not know that her brother is a slimeball?

After school, Grey drove us back to my house. My dad's car was in the driveway, meaning that he was home early from work. I clambered into the house, dropped my bookbag on the ground, and ran to the kitchen where I smelled chocolate chip cookies being made.

I saw my dad standing behind my mom. He had his arms wrapped around her waist, his chin on her shoulder, and they were swaying to the beat of an old tune playing from the record player my dad still has.

"Hi daddy." I breathed out. I missed him. I haven't seen him that much recently.

"Come here, darling." My dad held out his hand. I went over and grasped his hand, where he twirled me around before curling me under his arm, snuggling me into his side.

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