🤍•Christmas Wish ~ Benny•🤍

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*On the phone with Benny*
Benny = Bold

"Hey Yn what are you doing for Christmas?"

"Like on Christmas day?"


"We are having a party with some family. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could come?"

"You're inviting yourself to my Christmas party?"

"Well yeah kinda."

"What did your mom say about this?"

"She said it was fine. Since we have a ton of family staying over we are doing our Christmas party in the morning."

"So you asked me out of everyone?"

"Well Smalls is outta town, but besides that yes."

"But why?"

"Maybe I wanted to hang out with you and meet your family."

"Well, I have to warn you my family has no filter, doesn't sugar coat things, and is very loud. And most likely we will be playing games all night and get super competitive. So we can't really hang out."

"Well, I'll find a way."

"Haha okay"

"Sorry I gotta go. Goodnight Yn. Um, talk to you tomorrow?"

"Of course. Goodnight Benji."

"Stop calling me that."


"Goodnight my MJ"

"Goodnight my Ned"

"Yn you ruined it"

"Haha sorry. Goodnight my Peter. Better?"

"Sure, now go to bed."

"Night dad"

*Hangs up*


None of the guys know this but I secretly called everyone's moms to send me a picture of each of the boys opening up their presents in their PJs. So then I could put a stupid collage book about it. Besides that, I ran downstairs to open up all the gifts under the tree. After that my siblings and parents cleaned up all the wrapping paper and put away everything we got back into our rooms. I decided to take a quick shower and change into something comfy before the party. The day went by pretty quickly, the clock soon screamed 4 o'clock. I quickly changed into my nice clothes as the guest should be showing up any minute now.

"Oh and mom, um Benny's coming over. I forgot to tell you."

"No worries."

"Thanks" I chuckle

"You should walk to his house and walk back together so it's less awkward for him."

"Mom I'm sure he'll be fi-"

"Please Yn be a good person for once." Mom glares at me

"I'm always a good person" I pout.

I give in and start walking to the Rodriguez's house. As I walk up the drive away I don't see any cars meaning he's home all alone I think. Apparently his brothers had their own Christmas party and his mom, dad, and two sisters went to another one. I knock on the door but end up just walking in anyways. "Hey , is anyone home?'
"In here" Benny shouts out from his room. I walk into the blue walled baseball poster-covered room. Benny was fixing up his hair a bit. After he was done he turned around to face me. He had this black turtleneck with a pair of nice blue jeans and of course his PF flyers. Which I  bet he fought his mom about wearing them. His face was cleaned up with his styled hair. It was unusual to see Benny "The Jet" Rodriquez all dressed up. "What do you think?

"Turn around really quick." He follows the command and slowly turns around. "Is this Benny Benny? Like Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez Benny?"

"What?" He questions

"It's just I've never seen you so nice before."

"Well don't get used to it."

"But you look so good." I whine walking up closer to him. I grab his hands and place them on my waist. He quickly grips onto them as I wrap my arms around his neck. I look into his gorgeous brown eyes. Needing a map to figure your way out of them.

"Are you gonna just keep staring at me or kiss me?" Benny asks, breaking me out of my trance.

"I think I'm gonna just keep staring."

"Well, I wanna kiss you." Benny leans in and so do I connecting our lips. He pulled me closer to him if that was even possible. I tangle my hands up in his hair, tugging it slightly.

We pull apart and rest our foreheads against each other. "Maybe we should start heading back." Benny smiles.

"I don't really want to now, but yea we probably should."

More ideas please!!!

Credits to whoever made the photo I'm not for sure so if you did it or know the person who did it let me know and I'll credit them!

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