(Chapter-9) Confession 2

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Norah's pov

"I love you, Norah", Troy whispered in my ears.
A chill passed through my body when his breath touched my skin. A red tint appeared on my cheeks. I then hugged him tightly and started sobbing.

I can't hide my feelings anymore.

After a few fine minutes, I wiped my tears and looked into his blue sparkling eyes. "I love you too, Troy. I love you so damn much.", I confessed in a low voice.

"I can't let you go, never. You are the only one left with me now. Please don't ever leave me too."

"I won't ever", said Troy.

I then laid my head on his shoulder and stared at the bright stars in the dark sky. It was the only thing that gave me hope.



This is all I could think of ^w^ hehe


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