chapter 3-Weird dreams

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When Annabell was at home she had to sleep all day, but when she was sleeping she had crazy dreams about something terrible happening to her and how she would find somebody to love but he would die because of something she would become. When the dream ended she woke up in a pile a sweat and tears. Her mom came and changed the sheets and made Annabell take her temperature. She had a 103.3 temp. Her mom gave her thing to cool her down but nothing was working. The next day Annabell's mom made her go to school. After getting ready and eating she went to the bus stop. She went on the bus and the "Mean Girls" wouldn't let her in, so she walked. When she got to school she was so late. She enter the class room and everyone looked at her with a weird look like if the have seen a beautiful creature like a mermaid or something like that. She went on with the learning thing. At lunch when the "Mean Girls" tried to steal her food she hissed at them and they backed off. After school the "Mean Girls" got Annabell by the arm and through her into the ocean.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO!!!!!!"Annabell screamed. Then she went in the ocean getting beaten up by the rocks and waves. When she was down in the deep blue she got beaten up by a lot of rocks but one of those rocks made her unconscious. And when she hit the bottom a rock that was magical colors like a rainbow but with glitter stabbed her in the back. When some one realized she was down there they saved her and took her to the hospital. At the hospital the were discussing her injuries

"Good morning darling."Annabell's mom said

"Hi mom where am I." Annabell asked

"Your at the hospital. "Mom said

"Why am i here."Annabell asked

"We found you at the bottom of the ocean with lots of wounds." Mom answered

"Wow that bad."Annabell realized it was not a dream. When she got out of the hospital she was on strict duty to stay in bed. When she finally got to get out of bed and take a bath.

"Do you need help." mom asked

"EWWWW no I'm fine."Annabell answered. when she got in the water she was fine.But later that night she woke up and went outside and the moon light shined on her and then here stupid dog come and jumped on her back on pushed her in the water


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