Chapter 9: Unconventional Recovery

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Unconventional Recovery

Just hours after the USJ incident, the media and the public had started asking questions like whether the school was fit to protect the students or not, who the villains were, but most importantly who caused the massive explosion that demolished the USJ.

It has now been 2 days since the attack and everyone is more or less unscathed, with the exception of 1 teacher and 3 students. Izuku had a broken arm and a mild concussion while Jiro had 1st and minor 2nd degree burns on her left side, mainly her arm, shoulder and parts of her back. Katsuki on the other hand had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his hands and arms, as well as a concussion and a dislocated shoulder. He had been comatose since the incident but the other 2 students were awake.

Katsuki: (Dreaming) god damn it Jiro wake up please..... Please don't leave me here, don't you do this to me Ears! Don't you fucking leave me... *starts waking up*
Katsuki: NOOOO!! *heavy breathing*
Izuku: *startled* KACHAAN!!!
Katsuki: Deku?... *Grabs his shoulder* agh, What happened? Where am- Where's Ears?!?
Izuku: ......
Izuku: Kachaan please, calm down.... You're seriously injured and have been unconscious for 2 days. You're in the hospital and Jiro is here as well but in another wing with Momo and her parents.
Katsuki: God damn it! It's all my fault she's in here!
Izuku: Don't say that, what happened was an accident, she's in rough shape but she's alive thanks to you.
Izuku: Kachaan... I....
Katsuki: You know it's true Deku, my quirk hurt her.
Izuku: But you didn't mean-
Katsuki: BUT I DID, and now she's in this place, who knows what kind of damage I did to her, what if she never recovers? Did you consider that?
Izuku: ......
Katsuki: She probably never wants to see me again
Izuku: That's not-
Katsuki: Save it, tell me where she is, I HAVE to see her.
Izuku: Kachaan I don't think that's a good idea
Katsuki: Screw it, I'll find her on my own

Katsuki struggled off of his bed and grabbed his IV pole and hobbled his way out of the door with Izuku trying to convince him to stay in bed but he was determined to see Jiro, even if it meant limping around a hospital with the back of his gown wide open.

Izuku: Kachaan, for God's sake, cover your ass
Katsuki: Out of my way nerd
Izuku: That doesn't make any sense, I'm not even in front of you
Katsuki: ....Shut your face
Izuku: YOU SHUT THE FUCKIN... woah reverse deja vu. Anyways, just stop.
Katsuki: Shut it!
Izuku: Just stop for fucks sake
Katsuki: Why should I!?!? Huh? Jiro needs me!!
Izuku: Because!... you're... going the wrong way
Izuku: Through the morgue?
Katsuki: I'm taking a short cut
Izuku: You're going to a LITERAL dead end
Katsuki: Tch... What room is she in?
Izuku: 5120, 5th floor, west wing
Katsuki: And where are we?
Izuku: We are on the 3rd floor in the ICU.
Katsuki: Take me to her
Izuku: Kachaan if any of the staff see you, they're gonna bring you back to your room so-
Katsuki: I don't care! I have to make sure she's ok
Izuku: Alright fine, I know how stubborn you are so I'll help make sure no one sees you limping around here.... God damn it, close your gown!
Katsuki: Fuck off!
Izuku: *exasperated sigh*

Izuku proceeds to help the katsuki into the elevator and they make their way up to the 5th floor. Once the two walk into the west wing, Izuku goes to distract the secretary so Katsuki can slowly make his way to Jiro's room. Once outside the door with Izuku standing behind him, Katsuki knocks on the door.....

Izuku: I'll leave you to it, I'll go back to your room and wait for you there.
Katsuki: Thanks

Izuku walked away leaving Katsuki outside of Jiro's door, he stands there quietly waiting to hear any response from his previous knock, he didn't hear anything for a few moments so he decided to knock again, he heard some shuffling coming from inside, the door opens, but he wasn't greeted with the smiling face he had hoped for, instead he was met with furrowed eyebrows and a scowl on the face of someone he knew, Jiro's best friend herself, Momo.

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