Chapter 19: Business gets Personal

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Business gets Personal

Walking back to the dorms, Jiro is deep in thought as she now has once again seen the mysterious vigilante or bounty hunter that she now knew by the name of Ground Zero. The thoughts flood her head as she tries to piece together this puzzle in hopes she finds Katsuki and brings him home. The two girls arrived back at the dorms and went straight to Jiro's room.

Momo: Oh my gosh, we really are gonna work alongside those guys.
Jiro: uh huh
Momo: They're so rude and brash, the one with the backwards hat mostly,  the dragon guy seemed to have more respect, typical Americans
Jiro: Mhm
Momo: *notices she's not paying attention* And that car chase was so chaotic, no survivors
Jiro: Yeah...
Momo: But at least the food was good
Jiro: Delicious
Momo: Jiro! You're not even listening to me!
Jiro: Huh?? Yes I am
Momo: What is going on with you?
Jiro: Nothing! I'm fine
Momo: I know you Well enough to tell when something is on your mind, so spill
Jiro:'s just... that Ground Zero guy
Momo: What about him?
Momo: You know what, I'm gonna go get us some food and when I get back we'll talk and get it all out okay?
Jiro: *nods* Kay

Back at the training ground VulGar is having Izuku spar with GZ in Hand to Hand combat without quirks of course just to get a baseline on where Izuku stands as far as his fighting skills. GZ and Deku were exchanging blows, blocking and countering each other's strikes, VulGar and Deags were not really impressed as they already had a good idea on how both teens fight. What the two teens didn't know at the time was that they were being watched by Nezu. Nezu, who was sitting in the observation room, began chuckling to himself as he thought about the fact that young Midoriya is sparring with his lifelong childhood friend/brother and doesn't even realize it. Back on the training ground Deku was starting to get winded as he was in shock that this quirkless vigilante was not only able to keep up with his fighting style but also counter his blows almost to perfection.

VulGar: Alright alright we've seen all we need to see.
Deags: Mhmm what you think GZ? Think this kid's got what it takes to keep up with us?
Ground Zero: *nods* *Shakes Deku's hand*
VulGar: Perfect *touches his communication device* okay Nezu ready the targets.
Izuku: Wait, what?
Deags: Oh did we not mention this part?
VulGar: Yeah up next is all four of us are gonna fight against some targets that the rat bear thing said we can use.
Izuku: But what would we need targets for?
Deags: practice of course. All four of us need to be in sync with each other's attacks and since you're new, we gotta make sure you're on the same page.
Izuku: You guys really take this seriously don't you?
VulGar: We ain't the best for nothin kid, when it comes to saving lives and kicking ass, we don't fuck around
Ground Zero: *slams his fists together *
Deags: Looks like GZ is fired up
Izuku: *puts on his mask* let's do this
VulGar: Roger that *touches ear piece* Send them in Nezu...

The ground begins to rumble as Ground Zero and Emerald Inferno stand in confusion while VulGar and Deags stand there smiling for what's coming. Ground Zero readies his war machine, Emerald Inferno activates his napalm gauntlets, Deags unholsters his trusty weapons, and VulGar draws his sword.

VulGar: Multiple hostiles, gotta find out how many and where they're coming from. Deags!
Deags: Yo
VulGar: Overwatch
Deags: Copy, can I get a lift?
VulGar: You know it *holds out his sword*
Deags: Ayyo! *leaps onto the blade*

VulGar swings his blade and launches Deags skyward with a loud "woohoo" Deags soars through the air then uses his guns, loaded with concussive rounds, to slow his fall enough for him to land safely on the rooftop of a nearby building, he combines his guns and transforms them into a high impact long range rifle and uses its scope to spot the incoming threat.

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