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(Artwork by Queen_Everglow )

It's a warm sunny day in California, business had died down so there was plenty of down time over at "Music to my Ears" the local music store owned and operated by a young purple haired woman with audio jacks for earlobes. She stood over the counter with a paper in front of her that she had been doodling on to kill time, her thoughts wandered aimlessly as she was in her own little world. The sound of the TV was slowly fading away as she drifted further into her little world, but her little bubble was burst when she heard two words coming from the TV,  "Ground Zero"
She snapped back into reality and saw that it was a news report, thanking a very familiar trio performing heroic acts as always. She smiled and looked down, fidgeting with her beautiful ring. Another familiar voice chimed in and claimed her attention.

Katsumi: Mommy Mommy! Look, Daddy is on TV!
Jiro: *looks up* Yes he is sweetie, he's hard at work keeping us safe *smiles*
Katsumi: I'm so proud of Daddy, oh look! Uncle V and Uncle D are there too!
Jiro: Yes they are, and they always will be, they make sure Daddy comes home to us every night
Katsumi: Nothing bad will ever happen to him!
Jiro: That's right sweetheart, Nothing bad....

As Jiro stared at the tiny 5 year old little girl with blonde hair streaked with purple, she couldn't help but think about a certain series of events that occurred in the past, and what she found out actually happened.

6 years ago...

VulGar had flown down to the crater that had formed due to the explosion Ground Zero caused. He found his partner completely drained of all strength, and absolutely caked in soot, but otherwise relatively unscathed. They had a very brief exchange before continuing their mission.

VulGar: Hey man, you doing alright?
Ground Zero: Just peachy, I feel like my limbs are made of jello though
VulGar: Well then this next part won't be much different,  you ready?
Ground Zero: Yeah, initiate the Phoenix protocol
VulGar: Copy that

VulGar stealthily deployed a syringe from inside a compartment in his bracer, he injected Ground Zero with a low dose of Tetrodotoxin, it took effect immediately thanks to the fatigued state Ground Zero was in. VulGar positioned Katsuki's body before lifting him and flying away with him towards UA, as he passed over his teammates there was a flash of eye contact between VulGar and Deags, which essentially was the signal that the Phoenix protocol was now active. VulGar picked up his pace knowing that the others were following behind, upon arriving at UA, VulGar landed at guest house, he quickly entered and set Katsuki down in his bed. He then proceeded to bring out the crate marked with a Phoenix, it had previously been unlocked by Katsuki so that VulGar or Deags could access its contents. Inside the crate, was an artificial corpse, it was designed and built by the queen of tech, it was the perfect clone, the materials that were used in its production perfectly replicated human tissue. With no time to waste, VulGar used his quirk to broil the fake Katsuki, his flames are hot enough to render it indistinguishable from an actual burn victim,  once it was burned enough, he stealthily left the guest house and ran inside.

2 hours later

Katsuki stirs awake and feels extremely groggy and viciously sore all over his body, he struggles but manages to sit up, he sat there and reflected on the all-out war that took place earlier that day. He later prepared himself a meal, showered and just took his time to recover, He essentially rested for a good day or so.

The funeral

VulGar and Deags stood in the distance and had a bit of banter with Katsuki as it was very strange to be witnessing a funeral for someone they were currently speaking with. He of course reminded them that he absolutely can't attend his own funeral while still living, he called them idiots and pointed out that they HAD to observe from a distance because they'd be giggling throughout the entire service. They did not argue with that statement.

Graduation day

VulGar and Deags are stationed as security in the school as they watch everyone graduate, they are relaying all information back to Katsuki via their comms. He was able to maintain visual contact via a high powered scope on a rifle he borrowed from Deags. Katsuki found himself nearly yelling in excitement when he heard the names of his friends and his girl being called. He kept it together and started to pack up before Nezu's speech came through the comms. When it concluded,  he shut off his communicator, shed quite a few tears, regained his composure and made his way back to the guest house.

The Day after

Katsuki hears a knock on the door and panics and begins to look for a hiding spot, while the ever so bright Deags, goes for the door without hesitation, VulGar helped stuff Katsuki into a closet before racing to the door, as a way to get back at Deags for his blunder, VulGar bashed Deags in the face with his skull, before putting on a facade. After Jiro had left the guest house, Katsuki busted out from the closet, scaring Deags in the process.

The Day Jiro said goodbye to Japan

Katsuki had woken up very early to use the darkness to his advantage, it was just before dawn so he gathered his "carry on" bag and headed for the airport,  he met with Glenn and boarded the jet for the time being. Once he saw his partners arrive, he knew the moment of truth was coming, he had a brief chat with them when they saw a limo approaching in the distance, Katsuki asked the guys to stall them so that he could hide. The only place he was able hide was of course the bathroom, he watched from the window as they said their farewells to each other, but since he was in a bathroom he had the overwhelming urge to "go" (or maybe it was the 8 Mtn Dews he had for breakfast) so of course he relieved himself, was about to flush until he heard the guys board the jet, so he decided not to. Moments later, Jiro had finally boarded, a loud beep sounded just before the pilot spoke, to which Katsuki waited for his cue with a smirk on his face.

The sound of a small bell ringing snapped Jiro back into reality, her daughters voice echoed through the store with pure joy

Katsumi: Daddy!
Katsuki: Hey kiddo, having fun with mom? *picks her up*
Katsumi: Mhm! We saw you on TV!
Katsuki: Oh did you? *looks at Jiro*
Jiro: We sure did, and I was just telling her how proud I am to be married to one of the greatest heroes in the states *walks over to him*
Katsuki: Haha I'm no hero
Jiro: *wraps her arms around them both* You're MY hero

AN: Hey readers FocusRS58 here, it's been a hell of a ride writing this story. At first FDKMOGAR and Myself came up with this story as a joke but as time went on we started to become more invested in it and now that we have reached the end, we are actually sad. But no worries cuz we have another story in the making. It's going to be an origin story of VulGar and Deags, and if you didn't catch on, I am Deags and Mogar is VulGar hahaha. With that said we both just want to thank all of you who've been with us since our terribly written prologue. And while the story may be over, I'll still be adding some artwork into the story but also on a "chapter" that'll just be the art work that mogar and Queen are working on. So with that we thank you for enjoying our take on MHA fanfics hahahaha. This is FocusRS58, Going Dark.

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