ㅤㅤ𝟬𝟬𝟮. watch me

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chapter 2 | watch me
# my sister from another motherboard

chapter 2 | watch me# my sister from another motherboard

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LYDIA WAS IN a room of a hospital, searching for any proof they could use until she heard a shout from the next room, "I'LL NEVER TALK!"


KC was in trouble. She dropped the things in her hand and rushed to the next room. She scanned from the room from the out with her bracelet's help, two men were cornering KC.

Lydia approached the door and kicked it open.

"And my partner is-" KC continued, then the three saw Lydia, standing at the door, "-oh thank god."

The two guys ran towards Lydia to throw a punch, Lydia caught the two punches in the air; first man, she kicked in the stomach and he stumbled backward and was tripped by KC; second man, was turned around in the air and fell to the floor.

Lydia gave a victory smirk. She looked at both guys who were now unconscious as they banged their heads badly. She approached KC, "We need to get out."

KC showed the cuffs in her hands. Lydia sighed, "Again?"

"Yes again."

Lydia rolled her eyes at the cuffs before crouching next to one of the men and searching for his pockets.

She finally found the key and approached KC, unlocking her cuffs.

Lydia opened the doors waiting for KC as she got the papers back and walked out with the Latina.

The two rushed back to the van as soon as they sat down. Lydia pulled out the van then she took a look at the other spy.

"Did they do anything to you? Are you okay?"

KC leaned back, "No. They didn't and I'm okay, really."

"I just need to breath." She said, closing her eyes.

Lydia nodded and continued driving the mission van. She kept glancing at the other to see her in the same state so she kept her mouth shut and continued driving.

Lydia soon pulled up in front of Cooper's resident. She took a final look, "you want me to come or..."

KC sighed, "No need. Thanks.", she opened the car door to get out. Lydia followed her from behind.

"I'll see you soon then."

KC didn't say anything. She gave a slight smile to Lydia before she entered the house.

Lydia shrugged it off, KC was having a hard time adjusting to this spy stuff, and Lydia had to give her space.

She walked towards her motorbike, put on her helmet, and sped to school.

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