ㅤㅤ𝟬𝟬𝟯. 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽

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chapter 3 | prove to the world !
# off the grid

chapter 3 | prove to the world !# off the grid

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LYDIA SLEPT ON the air mattress peacefully...until KC slammed the door open.


It was KC...again; probably in trouble...again.

She shot up from her air mattress and rushed out from the room, then down the stairs, her heart beating in panic.

She heard KC muffle a few things to Ernie on the steps. Lydia peeked behind Ernie, "What's going on?"

"We are completely late for school."

"Eh," Lydia turned back, "Wake me up next morning," she said going up the stairs.

"Mom and Dad forgot to wake us up this morning. And clean up last night's dinner?" KC stalked towards the island, Lydia stopped, "I don't know where they are."

She sighed, turning back again and walking downstairs. Since she had been partners with KC, trouble followed them everywhere.

Ernie smelled the food, "Ew. That tofu turkey smells to-funky. We should throw it out."

"Uh, if we threw things out based on the way they smell, you would've been gone a long time ago," KC said leaning towards the island.

Lydia walked closer to KC, she snorted and patted KC's shoulder. "Good one."

"So where the heck are Mom and Dad?"

Everyone started to think for an answer. Lydia suddenly thought of something, "Wait a minute.", she caught the room's attention.

She walked towards the living room, remembering last night, "Last night..."

"...when I was scrolling through Instagram..." she continued, she kept remembering as she imagined the scene.

She was sitting there with KC on the couch together and Ernie was at the opposite side of it.

KC remembered too, she followed Lydia, "and when I was texting Marisa..."

"...and you were searching for chest hairs..." She pointed at Ernie. Ernie rubbed his chest in pride.

Lydia bit her tongue to not say a snarky comment, it wasn't the time but oh, was she going to say something after this.

"Kira said something about leaving on an extremely dangerous mission," Lydia recalled.

Ernie walked in between the girls and looked at the ground.

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