Monster under my bed

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Ryan could feel his breath quicken. No no no no. His body shook as he looked at Data with wide eyes.

Adam pulled Ryan behind him protectively as he glared at Data. "Why the fuck are you here and how did you survive?"

Melrose backed up and put Finley behind him.

Lucas tightened his grip on Victors hand. He already hated Data way more than before. He glared at Data.

Data sighed. “Come now, we’ve only just got here and we’ve already diverted to insults?”

Victor put his arm behind him, protecting Lucas. He desperately wished he had his revolver with him. “…I think we have all the right to divert straight to insults, based on our history…”

Melrose nodded, "Remember when you killed. You almost killed Ryan..again!" Their voice raised as they narrowed their eyes at Data.

Data raised an eyebrow at Melrose confusedly. "Killed Ryan? Oh, misunderstand, friend. I wasn't trying to kill him. I was merely...borrowing parts. Like a mechanic to an old car, you see."

"Is that all he is to you?" DT sassed. "A scrap heap? A pile of junk...for you to take whatever's left?!"

Data sighed with frustration. "...No."

Ryan raised an eyebrow as he took a breath in, "..Then what? What am I to you? You can't just borrow my flesh. I bled out..I died for six minutes..."

Adam took a sharp breath in and held Ryan closer to him, if that was even possible.

Finley turned to face Data, a furious expression on their face. They had only just met him, but they were already sick of everything he was trying to pull. They stared at him intensely.

"...Answer the question, dipshit." Finley ordered.

Data glared at them, but shook it off. He turned to Ryan with a gentle look.

"As for you," Data began, "you're much more than scraps or junk, or anything of that sort. That, I can assure you. You're actually part of something much greater. Something that can change this world for the better. You, Ryan, are an extremely valuable asset. Yes, acquiring an organic sample was the difficult part, but...hopefully, now that it's over...better days aren't far behind." He smirked, tapping his hands together.

Ryan looked at Data through narrowed eyes, "Change the world for the better? How? What're you gonna do, rule the world?" His tone held a sarcastic, venomous tone to it.

Melrose looked at Finley and he fell a little bit more in love with them. He tightened his grip on them a little bit more just incase Data tries something.

“Wait a second…” Eighty thought out loud, rising to his feet. “…’Surprise from a loved one’. You told Ryan you had a surprise from a loved one of ours. What did you do…?”

Data raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so the valuable asset ran his mouth, did he?” He curled the sleeve of his coat. “…You all remember your other…acquaintance of sorts, we’ll say, from the last time I visited. Well…in one way or another, I’ve been in contact.”

Ryan tilted his head, trying to think. Then it hit him, "No.." He shook his head, "What did you do to fifty!" He wanted to hit the fucking bastard but couldn't.

“It’s our business. And more importantly…” Data smirked. “…it’ll be over with soon enough.”

DT clenched his fists. It took all of him not to just charge at Data. After all…he was the man who took his brother away. If it weren’t for everything he’d done, Risk would still be here. And now, he was going after Fifty. He glared at Data.

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