We're the Next Rebels!

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(Before we start the intro is super hype, I thought it would be good to use for this series theme song, but later on, I will change the theme, so set up the mood of each arc. This is what's consider the beginning, where everything starts.)

10 Years Earlier...

Doctor: I'm sorry, but your son is quirkless.

-Those were the words that shattered and changed the worlds of Izuku Yagi, Katsuki Bakugo, and Shoto Todoroki. Ever since that moment, it has been nothing but hell. The three were neglected by their fathers when they were at home, and they were bullied by Tenya Iida and his group of "friends" The only people that supported the trio's dreams on being heroes were there sisters, and their mothers. And thus, it was like this for 10 years...

Present Time...

-Right now it is school, and everyone is getting really excited because it is the end of middle school, and to the students, it could only mean one thing...

Teacher: Alright students, all of you are third years so you all have to be thinking seriously about your futures! *Grabs Papers* Now, normally I WOULD pass out these future career forms... BUT I KNOW ALL OF YOU WANT TO BE HEROES!

-The teacher throws the papers into the air as the students other than Katsumi, Izumi, Shoka, and Iida were showing off there quirks. (Iida goes to the same school as Izuku and the others.) Then Iida raised his hand to state something.

Iida: Teacher with all due respect these students, other than me, *Ahem* no one else has the capabilities I have to become a hero.

Student: WHAT?! Come on Iida! Stop being the boss of us!

Student: Stupid Iida being all high and mighty like that! We're going to be heroes!

Iida: No, all of you don't have the strength to become heroes! You have strength to become sidekicks though.

Teacher: Ah yes, Tenya Iida. According to your record that you are aiming for U.A?

Everyone in the Class: WHAT?! U.A?!

Student: U.A? Isn't that place only 3% acceptance or something?

Student: Yeah, that's what I heard, but I heard that it was around 2%!

Iida: Everyone quiet! It may be true, but I show the TRUE fundamentals on being a true hero! Unlike you commoners!

Izumi: SHUT THE F**K UP JET LEGS! You know your not the only going for U.A you know!

Iida: Ah yes, the young women, you three are the most likely bunch to fail. So stay at home, get married to normal people, and be housewife's.

Katsumi: SHUT UP JET LEG-!

Teacher: Oh yeah, Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto. Aren't you three aiming for U.A also?

-Iida, in that moment, froze and the trio of boys who were just mentioned twitched a little. Everyone else in the class turned their heads towards them, and started to laugh at them very loudly. The only people that didn't laugh were the trio's sisters and Iida.

Student: Are you serious? These three Deku's are trying out for U.A?

Student: These guys are quirkless! How do you idiot's think that YOU of all people, can make it to U.A?! YOUR QUIRKLESS!

Izuku: *Stampers* U-Um, to be technical there's nothing in the rules that state quirkless people can p-participate-!

-Then in heated anger, Iida kicked the desks of Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto.

The Blading Trio (UNDERGOING REWRITE!)Where stories live. Discover now