New City! Old Friends From Our Past Selves!

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-As we last left off, we saw the truth of our great trio, about them being the reincarnations of three of the greatest heroes of the past in history. Now the trio of boys are packing up to head to the air for El Astro, the city that they were told by there new friends and mentors, Valt Aoi, Shu Kurenai, and Free De La Hoya. They planned to leave tomorrow before dawn, but of course they won't forget to leave a letter for their families to read, explaining that there taking a break from school for a little bit. So once they packed everything up they went to the airport, where Valt and the others were waiting.

Valt: You guys ready?

The Trio: Yeah!

Valt: Then let's go!

-They got on the plane that was heading to El Astro, but the plane was a private one, so they could have peace and quiet and have a bit of a nap. But while sleeping, Shu, Free, and Valt looked at their reincarnations, and grinned as they looked at each other.

Shu: Time to get work?

Free: Yeah.

Valt: Time to get to WORK!

1 Hour Later...

-Izuku was the first one to wake up, but when he woke up he noticed something was different, he felt more agile, more faster, he noticed that his hair was also blue. Izuku got up and questioning this, he went to the bathroom to see...

 Izuku got up and questioning this, he went to the bathroom to see

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Valt: Oh, Sup me!

Izuku: Valt, can you explain this?

Valt: Yeah, you see while you guys were asleep, we took the liberty of changing your looks to ours! You know, to make sure your dads don't find you!

Izuku: I guess that make sense. But it's still really weird. Wait, I have a question.

Valt: Shoot!

Izuku: Does this mean, Katsuki and Shoto were also changed?

Valt: Yes! It does-!

Katsuki/Shoto: WHAT THE HELL?!

Valt: And it seems that they learned that the hard way. Hehe!

-Izuku entered the room to see that Valt was indeed right, Katsuki and Shoto changed as well.

-Izuku entered the room to see that Valt was indeed right, Katsuki and Shoto changed as well

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