He's mine!

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Hey, Rosie here. Do you all remember? I am the captain of the team. I took someone's place, and she ain't happy. I wonder how long she played for. We will find out and see...

"But I will end you~" said mandy
"End me? Sounds like something an villain would say" I said smart mouth
"Owwwww~" Everyone making noises around us
Mandy shakes her head and smiles a little.
"Rosie, I can be your worst fear, nightmares in your dame sleep" says as an threat
"Is that right?" I asked

-The bell rings-
"Ladies what are we doing?! Are we going to have an problem?!" Said Coach Sydney
"No ma'am" I said, looking straight into Mandy's eyes I closed my locker so hard. She kinda jumps up, and I walked away very smoothly out the door. And I know she has to be watching me.

-In 4th period-
I am siting down at my table in class. About 3 boys walks up to me and smiles at me.
"Yes boys?" I said, with an smile
"You was amazing" said the boy to the left
"Yeah, what's your name new girl?" Said the middle
"Rosie kinlo, yours?"
"Donnie" Said the middle "To the right is mark, and to the left is Jacob"
"Hi" Said mark being shy
"Hey, no need to be shy around me. You guys seem cool"

Mark smiles a little more bigger. And donnie and jacob nods at each other and looks at me.
"Do you maybe wanna come over to my house and have an drink? Just us four. Nobody else." Said donnie
I thought about it and then I smile and nod.
"Sure, I will be there after school" I smirk
"Great... Here let me right my number and address"
I gave donnie pen and paper and he writes it down. And gave it to me, the boys smiles and two waves goodbye.
"See you tonight" Said Donnie and walks away

I looked at the paper. Looking at his number and address, I smiled and lean my head on my hands thinking about them. So that's day I was alone in the classroom. And I couldn't stop thinking about them.

"Got you now, rosie" Says mandy. Behind the school doors.

-At Donnie's house-
Im siting next to mark and we all had couple of drinks already. My mom isn't home or maybe she is home. But with another person in the house of myself. I looked at donnie and jacob and smile at them because everyone is pretty much drunk. This drink is very strong. . . But I don't feel anything. Not even tipsy.

"Rosie~ your so pretty~" He smirks cutely. And I smiled.
"Thank you donnie"
Mark and Jacob passes out quick in on the table. I tap mark and he is not responding.
"Hello? Hello?. . . What's wrong with mark?" I asked. Donnie wasn't answering me, I turned to my right and he was standing right there. Like one of those jump scares creep movies.
"Donnie?" I called him
"Come on~ Let's go to the bedroom~" He was totally drunk, I looked at Mark and Jacob.
"Don't worry they will wake up until another hour~"

Donnie gets me up from the chair and takes me inside his bedroom. He closes the door and pushes in bed and I lay down and he touches my covered boobs. And then me wearing an skirt he takes off my panties, and he takes off his pants and boxers about to shove it in.

"Wait donnie" I said low and no emotion
"Yes?" He answer
"You know, you should asked before you keep going"
"Because that's an respectful thing to do"
He sighs
"Do you wanna do it with me?" He asked
"Not really donnie, I been having some other trouble. And me doing this with you. I don't wanna bring up bad stuff-"

He kisses my lips passionately. And I kissed him back passionately as well. Then he breaks the kiss.

"What's the problem?" He asked
"Nothing just some girl name mandy. She wants this boy, I mean she can have him if she really wanted too. But he likes me but I think he likes my soccer moves" I explain
"Oh you mean, Jake ben? I saw him today. I guess he likes you too"
"Why did you drug them tho?"
"Because I don't want nobody taking you away from me"
I nod
"Your sweet, but kinda crazy. Even tho your drunk"
"Yeah. Lets sleep tonight... Together."

He lays on one side of the bed and I did as well. His arm is wrap around my waist and I hold his hand. And started to actually smile. Then I slowly fell asleep.

-Back to school-
I walked around the soccer field and jake was siting on the bench with more flowers on his hand. I walked towards him and he looks up at me.

"Oh hey" He greed
"Hi" I said shyly
"These are for you" he hand me the flowers
"It's ok, give them to any other girls who never gets flowers"
"Your so sweet, I give them to you... Because you are amazing. New captain after all this time"
"What you mean?" I sat down on the bench "how long has mandy play for?"
He sighs and thinks
"Maybe around 6th grade until freshman year now. Nobody couldn't beat her. Until you showed up"
"I see. You like her?"
"I used too until I found out how petty she really was... But your not like that at all"
"Thank you. Where did you get these flowers from?"
"My mother owns an flower shop around town. I should take you there sometime"
"Yeah. You should. Imma go put these away"

I got up from the bench and he smiles as I walked away. And went inside the changing room, where my locker is and I smell the flowers and put them away inside my locker. Then I turned around and mandy was standing at the door. And she smiles at me.

"What's up?" I asked
"Nothing... How do you feel rosie?" Mandy asked
"What do you mean?"
"Do you feel anything?"
"You sure?"

I started to cough badly and I fell on the floor and feeling weak and she looks at me. And then jake comes inside the room as well and kisses mandy on the lips.

"Thanks baby" said mandy
"Ofc nobody takes my babies place~" said jake, hugging her from the back.
I tried to keep my eyes open. But the poison got stronger in my nerves and my eyes sight. So I admittedly passed out.

Good nerd girl presents: Rosie KinloWhere stories live. Discover now