ch 2 a day with Jay

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Jay and I walked down the street as we headed to the arcade he wanted to stop by. "Why did you come with me? You usually don't like doing stuff like this." Jay mumbled as we approached the building. "Simple. If I'm going to leave in a week, I want to spend a day with everyone before I go." I replied. Jay paused at the door before looking at me solemnly. "You got picked?" He asked sadly. I looked down a bit ashamed. "Unfortunately I did Jay, and I'm not sure how long I'll be gone…" I replied. He closed the door and motioned for me to follow him. "What about the arcade? "I changed my mind. I want to do something else." Jay responded. We walked silently to the park where Zanes statue stood. Jay sat on a bench and looked up at it, motioning me to sit next to him. "So do you know what's going to happen?" He asked me in a surprisingly calm voice. I shook my head. "I haven't been told anything besides to meet at the dock on Sunday at 10pm." I replied calmly. We both sat in a comfortable silence before I spoke up. "Look Jay… I don't know how long they will keep us there… it could be a few weeks, months, years… or they may never let us return…" I said quietly. Jay nodded in response before looking up at me. "What are you saying?" He asked. I looked into his eyes and gave him a reassuring smile before looking back down and that smile turned back to a frown. "I want you to keep an eye on Nya for me… you guys belong with each other and don't let anything change that." I replied. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye and smiled back. His smile then turned back to a frown as he looked down at me. "Are you scared? Of what might happen." He asked. We both paused as I took a shaky breath. "You are scared, aren't you?" He asked again, continuing the calm voice he had put on before. I covered my face trying to hide the tears pricking out of my eyes. "You're not scared… you're terrified…" he stated as I felt him put his hand on my shoulder. I let out a quiet sob before speaking. "I- I'm scared of what might happen Jay! Wu says that the king will keep his word and not hurt us but we don't know that! Th-they're planning on seclusion! That can do anything to us and n-no one would know!" I cried. Jay sat in silence for a moment rubbing my shoulder as I continued to cry into my hands. I may be strong with my team but me and the other elemental masters alone would stand no chance against the king's entire army. It's scary to think about. Jay finally broke the silence. "Kai… I promise I won't let anyone hurt you. How about I come with you Sunday night… protect you if they try anything." He said. I looked at him. "You really would do that?" I asked wiping away my tears with my slave. "Yeah! anything that will make you feel better with this whole situation." He responded. He looked up at the statue and started to laugh. "Hey, remember the time we threw a party for Zane on his birthday! His face was priceless!" He exclaimed. I laughed through what little tears I had left. He continued. "Or that time Lloyd put a punch of rubber snakes in the fridge and scared Cole!" He laughed. I sat up a bit rubbing my eye laughing at the memory as well. "Oh! And let's not forget the time Lloyd convinced Pixel to dress as a Christmas tree and stand in the corner. Nearly gave Wu a heart attack!" He
Exclaimed, still laughing. By now I was no longer crying, I was laughing at the memories Jay was spitballing to me. I could see his usual bright smile grow back onto his face as he continued. "Oh and let's not forget the time Nya got you real bad!" He exclaimed. I laughed. "Yeah, she got me good that time." I replied. "Remember that time Wu surprised us with that chicken!" I pitched in. Jay laughed. "Right! How stupid were we! I can't believe we lost to a chicken!" He exclaimed before continuing. "OH! What about the time Zane locked us in a freezer because we complained he was too cold, and I literally thought you were dying! Oh my god I was insane!" I laughed at that statement. "I thought I was going to die as well. I don't do well in the cold! Your face was pretty funny though!" I exclaimed. We both sat there laughing until we needed to stop and breathe. Jay and I sat in silence besides our breathing as we tried to catch our breath again after laughing so hard for so long. Jay then spoke up again. "How about we go play the arcade we originally intended to do?" He asked with his bright smile. I smiled back and nodded. "Race you there?" I asked, challenging him. He laughed as he jumped up. "You're on!" He exclaimed before darting off. I got up and started chasing after him. My thoughts drift off slightly. I may only have a week to enjoy this for who knows how long. But I wouldn't want this any other way. I snapped back as Jay spoke up teasingly. "Come on slowpoke! Ya gotta catch me!" He yelled looking back at me. I laughed. "No fair your using your lighting!" I exclaimed. Jay only laughed. "No I'm not! Your just being slow!" He replied turning around and darting off towards the arcade, where we would spend the rest of our day, playing games and joking around before going home and watching a movie together, only for us to pass out. I looked down at Jay as I started drifting off to sleep. Thinking back to what he said to me.

"Kai… I promise I won't let anyone hurt you. How about I come with you Sunday night… protect you if they try anything."

My only thoughts to that was… Nya picked a good one.

Chapter 2 done. Be prepared I'm going to just hit you with a ton of these sad chapters until we get through all of them before he leaves. Then we get to have fun when he leaves. 😈

I want to see how many chapters I can get done of this book in the next few days. Yall about to be spammed with these.


1. Wow! Its not a Jay and Kai duo this time? What could it be?

2. What do you think the conflict of this book will be so far?

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