ch.19 the meeting

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I sat in the chair, watching Hutchins walk around me with the smug grin I hate. "Remember what happens if you refuse." I looked down at the floor, examining the wood under me. The wood has scratch marks, some small, some larger then others. It was a beautiful red... red... kai... I must protect Nya. "Fine..." I mumbled. His grin grew wider. "Really!?" He sounded ecstatic to hear that word come out of my mouth. Too ecstatic. "Yes sir. I except your offer." I spoke more clearly, not letting my thoughts get the best of me. He walked infront of me. "Well then..." he put his face right infront if mine, making sure I was staring right into his eyes. "Lets go tell your friends the good news! Shall we?"

I sat at the round table listening to the conversation we were having. "Why did you call us here Queen Vania? Us serpentine are very busy and the knew emperor of ninjago is not making it any easier for us." Scales stated, putting his staff down. "I have to agree with scales here, I have my kingdom to worrie about, lightly the sea animals have been restless and attacking my people." Benthomar stated, putting his staff next to scales staff. "My apologies for bothering you both at such a troubling time, however I assure you i have good reason." Vania replied. The queen of the munks and the chandler of the gekles walked in. "Sorry were late, had a small problem in Munk kingdom to deal with." The queen said. Vania nodded. "Its not a problem at all, were waiting on two more people anyways." She replied. I nodded. "Wait a minute, I kinda recognize you from somewhere, what are you doing here?" Scales questioned, pointing at me. I gave him a smile. "I'm Morro, I guess you could say I'm here on behalf of a certain few elemental masters who are unable to attend this meeting." I responded. "Oh so you know the elemental masters and are here to speak for them?" Benthomar questioned. I laughed. "Well, I do know all the elemental masters, as I should. after all, I am one myself, however, I'm not here to speak for all elemental masters, only a certain few. The others are left out of this conversation for... reasons we will discuss." I replied. Benthomar nodded. "I see." He replied. The doors opened and I looked over at Fredrick and Harumi. I heard gasps beside me. "King Fredrick, but your supposedly dead!?" Scales exclaimed. "Yes, I am aware of that misunderstanding. I will assure you, I am not. That was a lie Hutchins came up with after attempting to assassinate me and my daughter for my throne." Fredrick sat at the table, his daughter beside him. "I apologize for the wait, you may begin Queen Vania." He motioned to the blond on the other side of him. She smiled. "As you all can see there is the situation at hand, the current emperor of ninjago is not the rightful air to the throne, so we have called you here for a possible alliance." She motioned to the other four. "While this matter is an issue indeed, my people have no resion to fight against the ninjago empire once more. Last time it did not end well for my kind." Scales muttered. benthomar nodded, pointing at scales. "He has a point queen Vania. Our people have no reason to fight this battle. Do you have any leverage that could possibly persuade us to fight this battle? In which I highly doubt as this battle is the ninjago emperor battle only." Benthomar started. "As much as i would love to help you both my people are too busy fighting the creatures of the sea to deal with another war." He finnished. "That is where you both are wrong, as much as I would love to say you both have a point, there is resion to why you should fight with us." A female voice spoke up. I turned my head to Harumi who has a small smile on her face. "Hutchins  has a strong hatred to other creatures that have power. He sees them as a threat to human kind. With what happened with you brother and the serpentine war. Theres reason to belive your people are in danger of his wrath." She stated. Scales nodded. "I supose we do have resion to belive he may go against the peace we have made with the humans but that is not clear enough evidencethat he will attack my kind. I still must refuse. " He stated. Benthomar nodded. "that also does not change the fact that my kingdom is already in a war against the creatures of the sea, they have become hostile and appear to want to drive us out of our home as well." Benthomar pointed out. I cleared my throat. "Thats why I'm here." I started, getting all of their attention. I leaned forward, putting both of my hands on my chin. "A great example of Hutchins intent would be the attack he has already commissioned. Recently we had discover he had locked away elemental masters. They were being treated as animals and most were close to death. Dare I say one has amnesia because of said actions. Now you both may not be fimilure with elemental masters like Karloff, Skylar, Nerou, Shade and Griffin but I'm absolutely certain you know Kai and cole. Do you not?" I questioned. Benthomar perked at this and scales seemed interested. "If Hutchins is willing to go as far as locking two of ninjagos beloved Ninja away, what makes you belive he won't do the same to your kind?" I questioned. They both were silent, benthomar opened his mouth but closed it when I put my hand out, signaling for him not to. "As for the sea creatures trying to scare your people away Benthomar, I have resion to belive they are not angry with your people at all, they are trying to scare your people away because they know whats comming. They can feel it, as I do." I stated. "And how can you be so sure?" Scales questioned. "Us elementals are offten categorized as strong beings with an immense amount of power, however we are more then just that, we all represent a key part to the world and are here to maintain that, I'm here to keep spirit alive in the realm. The sea creatures spirits are not calm and collected like usual l. Their troubled. Scared. They are trying to warn you of the danger Hutchins has to your kind. I assure you if you reason with them, everything will be fine." I stated. Benthomar nodded. "That is helpful Morro. Thank you. As for your offer, I will fight beside you. The evidence you have brought to the table has persuaded my decision." He stated, looking at Fredrick and Vania. "As of I. I will also fight beside your kingdoms to protect my kind." Scales determined. Vania looked at Fredrick who nodded. "If that is the case, we ask you both to bring all your people to my kingdom. Where you are located, you will not be safe from Hutchins wrath." Vania started. "However, we are not asking you to stay her permanently as I have an offer that I belive will improve all of our kingdoms" Fredrick continued. We all looked at him, even Vania and his daughter looked confused. "This is not something I mentioned to anyone as I believed it would be best to bring up now. In gratitude of all your help with this war I have decided on behalf of ninjago that my kingdom will no longer stand for humans alone. I would like a king or queen from every tribe or kingdom to rule beside me in union. Ninjago would no longer just be humans, Shintaro won't be just filled with gekles, munks and my apologies I dont know what you call your people Vania, the serpentine kingdom won't be filled of serpents aline, and the Merlopians won't be alone under the sea. If our kingdoms come together as a councle of kings and queens we can create a world where our people would be safer and acceptance of other creatures would be higher. An ultimate empire that no other empire could face." We all looked at each other with interest. "That sounds like a splendid idea Fredrick, if we come together as a union, we could make better decisions to help all of our people, not just one  species." Vania exclaimed. "You have my blessing." She finnished. Scales and benthomar nodded. "As do you have ours. We like the idea of less segregation, some of my people would love to be on land while others prefer the land below." Scales spoke. Fredrick nodded. "And we will make that land below more accessible, I personally would not like to walk through the sewers every time we need to get to the land below." Fredrick chuckled. I nodded before speaking up. "That idea sounds wonderful and all, but I did not hear anything about the elemental masters in that at all." I stated. Fredrick looked at me with a smile. "Oh, my apologies, I forgot to mention that. There won't be a problem with that Morro, as the elemental masters already have a right on the throne beside me." He stated. We all looked at him confused, his daughter also looking just as puzzled. He reached into his pocket pulling out a paper and slowly unfolding it as he spoke. "You see, the day before Hutchins came to me and informed me of the murdered elemental masters and the threat on my life, all lies of course, I had ensured the elemental masters had a higher right then my people by fulfilling something I should have done many years ago." He stated as he put the paper down on the table with a grin. On the paper it read.

The councle has granted permission to Fredrick Darson guardianship of Kai and Nya Smith.

Due to this granted right, Kai and Nya Smith are now here by pernounced an air to the throne of Fredrick Darson as part of the royal faimly.






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