ch. 5 Lloyd and Nya

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 I walked down the hall to Lloyds room. I stood at the door and looked at the engravings on it. The paintings we spent so long doing as a hobby. It was something we all enjoyed doing to relax and to keep track of our adventures. I sighed and lightly knocked on the door. I heard Lloyds voice on the other side of the door granting me permission to enter. I opened the door quietly and stepped inside. Closing the door behind me before turning and looking at the green boy in front of me. He was sitting at his desk, working on something full-heartedly. "Whatcha working on greenie?" I asked as I walked over. He looked up at me for a moment before looking back at his project. "I don't know honestly. Just tinkering." He responded. I nodded and sat on his bed. Watching him tinker for a bit longer until he put his tool down and looked at me. "You're quiet. Something is wrong." He said, looking at me with worried eyes. I looked down at the floor and looked back up at him. "Lloyd... I was selected to be segregated... like Cole." I said quietly. Lloyd paused before speaking. "I knew one of us was bound to be picked. I just didn't want to admit it might be you..." he said looking down. I could hear how upset he was about this. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me. "You will be fine without me Lloyd. Nya, Jay, Zane, pixel and master Wu will guide you. I won't always be around to help you." I said. He looked down at the floor and nodded. "I- I know..." he replied. He looked up at me. "Are you worried? What is going to happen?" He asked. I gave him a reassuring smile. "I- I'm worried, yes. But Cole will be there with me... I suppose I'm more worried about how this might affect me..." I replied. He looked at me confused. "What do you mean by that?" He asked. "I guess I'm afraid of how being separated from society will effect my brain. I'm afraid of forgetting things that mean so much to me... what if I forget what my goal was in the first place. Why was I there? Or who my friends and family are over the years." I asked. Lloyd got up and sat next to me. Hugging me tightly. "You won't." He said. "But-" I tried to counteract but Lloyd interrupted me. "Trust me, you won't. After all these years you really think a few years of separation will cause you to forget all of this. I don't think so. You will remember. I promise" he said sternly. I gave him a smile. "If your so sure lloyd." I responded.

After dinner I walked outside and noticed Nya sitting on the roof, looking at the sunset. I climbed up to the roof and sat next to her. "Mom always loved the sunset." Nya said, noticing I was next to her. I nodded. She continued. "I'm glad we got to know them before they died..." she said with a sad smile. I nodded. "At least they were able to enjoy their last few years before they died." I said. She nodded. "You know. I dont know what I would do without you kai. You raised me, helped me grow into what I am. Eventually we will get separated and I don't know what I'll do when we do." She said. I paused and looked down in shame. She looked at me. "Kai? What's wrong." She asked. I started to tear up knowing this was about to break her heart. "That day has come sooner than expected, Nya." I responded. I saw her eyes grow wide out of the corner of my eye. "You weren't." She said. I only gave her a sad look. I saw the tears start to swell up in her eyes. "You were... weren't you?" She asked. I nodded slowly before sobing out. "I'm sorry! If I had been able to stop Aspheera from taking my powers, you wouldn't need to be alone!" I sobbed. She started to cry. "Its not your fault!" She cried, grabbing onto me and crying into my shirt. "I'm sorry Nya. I don't know how long I'll be gone for.." I said petting her hair. She continued to cry for a bit before I pulled her back to make her look me in the eye. "You're not going to be alone Nya. I-i want you to know that. You got Jay, he will do anything for you and he's an amazing guy! I'm so proud of what you have done and I'm proud of the choices you made! Just keep it up. For me. Please!" I cried. Nya nodded, still crying. "I love you kai!" She cried. "I love you

Aww this is so sad. Be prepared guys. The next chapter is where things start getting crazy. I just have a picture to draw before I post it. Yes. I'm doing art for the next one. Which means its definitely something I find amazing.


1. What the conflict will be?

2. Will everything be alright


3. What do you think is about to happen?

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