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Kazuha was nervous.
But more than that, he was filled with worry, curious of what happened to his friend during the past weeks. Yet he couldn't bring himself to ask him, waiting until he would return to him with the same old idiotic grin of his.
Never did he think that Tomo's presence could have such an impact on triggering his desires. The two only knew each other for around a month after all.

They were nothing more than comrades, friends.
Nothing more than that.

But if that really was the case, why does his heart ache at the thought of his so called friend straying away from him?

Kazuha was drowning in his thoughts, lost in the cycle of questions that he was unable to find an answer to. A knock on the door though, snapped him back to reality. He then slendered through the hallway to the door, reaching for the lock to open it for his guest.

"Tomo, where wer-" however, before he could even react, strong arms had embraced his figure as he felt a warm breath hitting his collarbone. "Sorry, please bear with me." Kazuha flinched at the muffled voice vibrating on his exposed skin, baffled at his sudden movement. Yet despite the uncleared confusion in his mind, he instinctively accepted his embrace by wrapping his arms around his torso.

Never has he felt so small before - not until he realized that his hands could barely reach up his broad back. "I missed you.", were the only words he could get out of him; voice tiny and hesitant.
Kazuha hugged him more tightly, as if he was scared of losing him, scared that he'd drift far away from him again.


But why 'again'?

Why did he feel like melting into his arms, once Tomo embraced him? Why was he on the verge of tears, even though it only had been a few weeks of his absence? It was so confusing.

Yet there was this odd comfort he had felt from touching his warm skin, his soft hair, watching his violet pair of orbs focus onto him as he listened to his heartbeat. It oddly relieved Kazuha, knowing that he was alive and well.

Why? - He didn't know.
Do you have to find an answer to everything though?

And then, he just simply accepted it.
Accepted his fate, the role in this second lifetime of his.
The desperation to see him, to feel his fingertips touching his own, as their foreheads collapse into each other.
Accepted the want to embrace, touch, caress the details the man possessed.
Accepted that he was awfully in love with him, despite not knowing which origin his feelings had.

He only buried himself deeper into the embrace as if Kazuha was holding onto dear life.
He missed him so much.

The two stayed like this for a while, seeking comfort from each other until one person was ready to speak up again. With one of his hands pulling the smaller male closer to him by his waist, Tomo then confessed, "My mother got diagnosed with an unknown disease. I don't know much about it but the only fact I know is that it's threatening her life.."

"I've gotten permission from the school to get a break for a while to go back to my hometown. I wanted to take care of her... but as I did, trying to make her smile, I felt her energy draining as days passed by."

"I'm sorry Kazuha.. after so many weeks, this is the first thing you hear from me." A drained chuckle escaped his lips as he spoke; with his voice cracking midway sentence, Kazuha struggled to free himself from the hug to take a look at him.

His once so bright, warm eyes were now.. sad, hollow - as if he had lost all hope in himself.
Kazuha moved his hand to Tomo's face, brushing the few strands of hair away that were covering his eyesight. "Why did you come back...?" as much as the question ached his heart, the boy just couldn't stand the look in his eyes.

"Ah... this is embarassing to say.."

"Tell me."

"I can't though.. I mean- how can I when you look at me like that??"

"Then I won't look."

"Ah... you're unbelieveable." Tomo then buried himself into his embrace again, nuzzling his face against the soft skin of his shoulder.


"I... just wanted to see you. Yes, I came back only for this sole reason, don't laugh.. okay?"

"Haha~", the chuckle manifested from within his heart, making him have the most honest and cheerful laugh after a long time. Tomo huffed at his reaction though, his face only heating up the longer he laughed. He wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment or because of Kazuha's adorable laugh though.

"Hey, because I missed you, I drove miles back only to see you again and this is how you treat me?", he sulked, breaking the hug to grab his face. "I missed you too.", as he exclaimed, Kazuha tilted his head to the side so that his face was leaning against his palm.

"Hah... I'm glad that I came back after all. Thanks, Kazuha." His eyes formed into two cresent moons, the corners of his lips slightly tilting upwards, which then revealed a warm smile; Kazuha couldn't help but to smile himself at the sight and replied, "It's nothing."

Yet despite coming back to Kazuha, he soon had to leave again, as he was only there for a visit.
"It's okay. Take care of your mother." words that spilled bitterly from his lips; Kazuha not wanting to admit that he was desperate for him to stay.
It was a selfless thought but after not seeing him for several weeks, it was only natural for a person to act like that, especially when they saw each other like everyday.

"Hm.. I'll promise to call you when I find some time, okay?", he continued and ruffled through his hair for the last time before bidding goodbye to him.
Kazuha only watched him distance himself from him, until his figure eventually vanished from sight.
He moved forwards, closed the door but then sunk down to the ground to bury his face into his knees.

Even now, his heart was beating in a immeasurable rate.

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