871 31 26

( around a week later)


Friday 13:28

I am backkk!!!

Oh, what a perfect timing
I just got out of the train

ok! meet u at the parking lot infront
of the ice cream shop!

mh. see you soon


He passed several people on his way to the parking lot, looking at each individually in search for his "date" for today.
Kazuha was quite nervous; you see, he had counted the remaining days down with his fingers to this moment, accidentally woke up at 4 am in the morning today - because he was too excited to see him.

Like a girl in her teenies, he even had difficulty in choosing his outfit for today, letting him procrastinate infront of his closet for around an hour. He sighs in shame at the fact, thinking how he had gotten himself involved in this situation in the first place.

But a smile formed itself on his lips nevertheless.
The thought that he gets to see Tomo again made his heart jump all over the place.


Once arriving at the parking lot, Kazuha darts his eyes to every corner of the area, analyzing it until he saw a motorcycle. He beams up in excitement before he realizes that the owner of it was nowhere to be seen. He looks around once more until eventually, a pair of warm hands blocked his sight of view.

"Hey princess."

Kazuha felt his heart beating out of his chest as his voice rang through his ears, immediately turning around to eye the taller male. The blonde glanced down at him with a welcoming smile, before taking him into his arms without further hesitation.

While the hug didn't last long, it yet felt warm, comforting and made Kazuha weak to his legs.
It was a feeling he had desired for the past two weeks.

"I can't believe you're here again."

"Huh?? Are you that shocked to see me?", Tomo teased as he leads them both to the bike, opened the case hidden under his seat to hand him a helmet, "Here, for safety." before putting on a helmet himself.

"Thank you." Kazuha gazed down to the helmet for a brief second before securing it on his head.
The blonde helps him with getting on the bike afterwards and takes a seat at the front when all preparations were done.

"Hold on tight." He then starts the engine, the bike emitting gas with a loud sound which had scared the living soul out of Kazuha. The corners of Tomo's lips curved up in satisfaction when the boy immediately wrapped his arms around his torso in the next moment. It was quite adorable to see his calm posture falter once he didn't have a solid ground beneath his feet.

He lets the bike tilt to the other side and pulls the support of it to the back by using his foot. With a small push, Tomo then starts to drive out of the parking lot to head to McDonalds.


It was a whole new experience for Kazuha; being able to ride on a motorcycle with someone who was dear to him.

He leaned forward until his forehead bumped against the back of the blonde and closes his eyes to enjoy the momentum. The air was fresh, freezing cold but thanks to his body warmth, the albino didn't have any difficulties with that.
Despite having the urge to embrace that feeling of freedom, he was yet too scared to let go of the driver and held onto him even tighter.

"You don't need to hold on that tight.", the blonde laughed. With slightly widened eyes, Kazuha whispered a small 'sorry' as the following reaction and loosened up a little to make sure that he wasn't strangling the other male to oblivion.

The whole drive to their destination went quite smooth, except for - well, the communicational part.
Even though both had a thousand things to say to eachother, they had kept their thoughts surpressed under the silence instead. Ever since Kazuha had gotten notice of his feelings for Tomo, words have never seemed so impossible to get out of his lips.

But maybe he needs to focus on the streets, he had thought - following with many more excuses.

The urge to talk kept rising in his chest, the words drawing closer to his throat, which had yet ended up in a long sigh instead. The whole process was just rinse- and-repeat, until they arrived at their destination.

Maybe he'll just talk later.

But- spoiler, that also didn't happen; the day remained awkward for both of them.

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