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The next morning had arrived, the warm rays of the sun illuminating yesterday's night through the whole room. It felt warm and nice on his eyes but the small sting of it urged Tomo to soon awaken from his slumber.
With yawning gesture he gazed around in curiousity, inspecting his surroundings when he found himself waking up in another room beside his own.

A groan was forced out of his lips though, when the ache inside his head started to become stronger - the aftereffect that concluded after too much alcohol consume. The blonde was surprised that he had only gotten away with such a.. minor headache though, when it could've ended a lot worse for him.

Nevertheless, another thing that bothered his senses the moment he woke up were his memories of last nights events. Ashamed and dissapointed of his drunken self, he groans once again with a hand covering his sight. Although there were only fractions of it occupying his mind, the fact that Tomo had splurted out something he didn't plan on confessing was almost as devastating as his hangover; the headache only adding up to another.

He wondered what had gone through his mind during that time - but what concerned him even more was what Kazuha even thinks of this.

He recalls to have seen tears in his eyes, to have caressed his face in order to wipe them away. The blonde remembers the moment he pulled him into his embrace, hugging him in a way he was familiar with by heart, to comfort the other.
It really has been too long.

Even though he had planned to wait patiently for the other to remember their past life again to start a new one in this timeline - last night's "accident" was too oblivious to ignore now.
Thus, the thoughts that followed after did not make it any better for him; once taken notice of a certain weight resting on his torso, his eyes then wander down to further inspect it..

His body stiffens at the sight, muscles suddenly tensing up while his pupils decrease drastically.
The blonde thought of the options he had in his current situation, however, to move meant in awakening the peacefully resting boy in his arms, which is why he quickly solves his inner conflict by not doing so. Instead, he even sneaks his hand up to his torso to rest on and with a sigh, Tomo sinks back into the pillow, his hand caressing the figure of the other.

It didn't take Kazuha long to awaken from that action though as he was not a heavy sleeper, unlike Tomo. His eyelashes slowly flutter open, twitching from perceiving a foreign surface beneath him - that was not his mattress.
However, when the realization hit him, he snaps his eyes open and sits up, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

And there it was, the rising fear that made his breath hitch as the goosebumps crawl up his skin. The words left his throat, leaving the boy so helpless on his own. He only found himself staring at the other in shock, glancing down to every possible detail he could find on him before his eyes halt at his pair of orbs that resembled the thunder he was oh- so scared of seeing.

But looking at them now, Kazuha definitely felt more at peace.

After slowly calming down with a sharp in- and exhale, his lips part to finally speak up. "Sorry for last night.", were the only words he could get out of himself though.

Tomo shakes his head as a response and apologized back with a small, shy smile, indicating him that he was sorry for being such a bother for him instead.
But the albino didn't mind and felt rather..... relieved that he opened up to him.

"R.. really....?"
The blonde was indeed taken back by surprise with that reaction, since he didn't expect the other to just.... simply accept everything, despite not remembering their time in the past.
It was indeed saddening for Tomo how his past companion will probably never remember him, their moments, their lifes - from Inazuma.
And the words that had accidentally slipped out of his tongue the night before he fearlessly stormed to Tenshukaku, at which he lost his life and the chance to settle down with his possible lover on the east coasts of Liyue. Living together in peace and far away from the thunder that put their lifes at risk.

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