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Kazuha was nervous, really nervous.

The albino had been seated on the ground for half an hour now; all dressed up and ready to greet the other into his house. He fidgets with the fabric that shifted on his skin as to kill time, which yet didn't help since it was going slower than it usually did.
When that activity became boring to him, he eyed the clock on the wall to count down the remaining seconds until his appearance. It was unknown when that would happen though.

And with a sigh, he lets his weight fall back, which results with him lying on the tatami mat, rolling around until he came to a halt, his arms stretched across the ground like a scarecrow.
Waiting was an agonizing method to kill time too.

But with a knock on the door, he magically gathered up all the strength in his body and sprang up - almost running to the door to greet the anonymity.
Kazuha took his sweet moments to calm the strong beat in his chest, until the adrenaline coursing through his veins would stop, so he could greet the other without fainting on the spot.

Yet little did he know that when opening the door, he would get greeted by the delivery service instead.
He tried his best to not expose his dissapointment through his facial expressions, accepting the package the service had handed him over before closing the door.

Then, when he turned around to approach his seat again, he was stopped by another knock on the door in the next moment. In excitement, Kazuha carefully placed the package to the ground before facing the door to open it up once again. It must be Tomo this time – he thought, determined.

However, he was met with more dissatisfaction, once his gaze fell on another stranger that did not possess the features of his lover. After that business was finished too, Kazuha softly shut the door behind him, sighing as he slid down along the rough texture of the wood, until he was lastly seated on the ground.

He was getting ahead of himself.
The albino drew circles on the ground with the tip of his fingers, waiting patiently for the blonde's arrival; waiting for the latter to scoop him up and shower him with his usual affection that he, Kazuha adored so much.

Although they had only texted each other earlier, Kazuha felt like missing him already.

Whether it spoke to him like a desire or a disease, he couldn't distinguish.

His smile, his voice, his scent.. just the idea of those three things combined was driving him to insanity already. After Kazuha had realized his love for the man, it was impossible to imagine himself not melting on the spot everytime their skins would brush against each other. How did he even survive until this point? Kazuha had been absolutely, unusually dense towards Tomo's and his own feelings– it was almost ridiculous.

But then as all patience was about to fade, a bold knock on the wooden door was what startled the albino awake. "Hellooo?? Kazuhaaa????" it was indubitably Tomo. "You wanna open the door for me- I got this grilled fish from the food stall earlier!"
In an instant, all strength returned to Kazuha and he stood up to open the door for the blonde, ripping it open almost. Tomo jolted in surprise before him; his eyes widened at the time the other used to open the door. Less than five seconds probably.

The fleeting shock soon left him though, and the blonde immediately beamed in joy. If Tomo were to compare with a dog– a golden retriever, Kazuha was sure that his tail would be wagging like crazy now. "Kazuha!!" he said with an excited expression, his face a mirror to Kazuha's almost. "C'mere!"

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