Take Her Name out of your Mouth

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Bela's: POV

Out of all the words in the world. Not one can I pick out to help me put how much I love her into words, its not just one word, its millions. 

She's the light at the end of a dark tunnel that I cant seem to find my way out of. 

She makes me feel things, that I've never felt before. When she's around its a whole new experience. 

I don't know how this Women caught my heart but, she did and she's never letting go.

No one would get it though. Not a single soul in my family would get how I feel about her. 

Men and Women are purley, food and servants, nothing more than that. 

But, the eldest daughter always bares the burden.

No matter what, I am always cleaning up after my sisters. I am just simply, forgotten about. Mother always praises my sisters first, even for the smallest things. I know deep down mother still does love and care about me but, it just doesn't seem like it.

Us three daughter of house Dimitrescu are all very much different from each other. Daniela is the perfect child in mothers eyes, she could do nothing wrong. she is very loud and outgoing but she especially loves company. Cassandra on the other hand, keeps you herself, she is either out hunting or messing with the poor maids. If she has any chance to kill, she will. Then there's me, I also keep to myself but I absolutely love reading. And if there's trouble I am the first one to be called to take care of it.

But now all of that doesn't matter as long as I have Y/N, She makes it all worth it. yes i still love my family besides everything. But Y/N is the one person I can count on.

Since our date Y/N and I have started dating. Nothing serious just cute puppy love. we sneak around the castle to each others rooms trying not to get caught. When we reach our rooms, we can't leave each other alone. our bodies entwine together as we gaze at the beautiful soul we are with at that moment. We fall asleep with swollen lips, that wouldn't leave the others alone. We wake up leaving the warm arms of our partners so no one accidentally walks in early in the morning. Whoever sneaks away from the room we leave with bruises and love marks all over our tender bodies. 

Sometimes while the rest of the castle is busy Y/N and I take walks through the forests outside of the castle walls. We both like leaving every once and a while to get away from everything just to be alone. We stroll through the snow covered trees hand in hand. We talk about the most random things most of the times, but that's okay no need to be serious all the time. 

This day started off like always, I quietly remove myself from Y/N's warm arms. I kiss her forehead goodbye before sneaking off back to my room. Only a few more steps and i am safe and sound back in my room, but what do I hear when I reach for the door handle.

"Bela Dimitrescu, what are you doing up so early. You are never awake this early" My mother questions me, as I turn around to meet her gaze with a guilty look on my face,

"Uh, I could't sleep. So I got up and went for a walk this morning" I answer while looking at the ground,

"Hmm, well If you went for a walk why are there bruises on your neck hmm".


"And why to you reek of a Women Bela".

Before I could come up with a lame excuse Mother decided to solve the mystery herself.

"Bela, I know you have been hanging around that new Maiden. Oh what was her name, oh yes Y/N. You know i feel about you and your sisters hanging around those man things.".

"Yes I know Mother-"

"Well then, I want her gone".

My heart just shattered into a million pieces. 

"You know what Mother, No. why do you all of a sudden care about what I do, Y/N Makes me happy and i finally feel loved. You can't take that away from me." I yell while my eyes fill with tears.

"Bela Dimitrescu How dare you talk back to me, You know I love you, I am hard on you since you are the eldest." Mother yells back with fury in her eyes.

"She is nothing but a Stupid Women, She will break you within minutes if you aren't careful." She growls. 

"Take her name out of your mouth. You don't get to talk about her like that."

Mother just stares at my with rage never in my life would i think I would ever yell at my own mother.

"You know what Alcina, You aren't even my real mother. Even though i can't remember it, I still died. And if it wasn't for mother Miranda I would still be dead. How dare you Talk about Y/N like that" I scream, tears stream down my cheeks. adrenaline runs through my veins, I can't think straight. 

I Take one last look at my so called mother, but I look past her to see Y/N standing a ways behind her. 

My mother storms off leaving us alone, I fall to my knees sobbing. I can't take what just happened its all too much. But as I said the light at the end of the dark tunnels comes to my rescue. You came running towards me pulling me close into your chest. In that moment I let everything out that I had been bottling up for so long. I felt so much shame in that moment, I said so many terrible things to my mother. Things I will never be able to take back.

What have I done.

Author's note

I though I would go a completely different way with this chapter but yeah I was wrong. But I kinda like it like this, I wanted to write how I think everything was on Bela's shoulders and she couldn't handle it anymore. I feel there's a lot more to Bela than the game told us and i think the daughters would never talk back to their mother but yeah Bela had enough.

anyway I hope yall have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Peace out yall

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