Chapter 3- Regrets

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Right now I'm being held back by my friends and the staff members. Jack, D'Q, and Gregg are also trying to calm down Tray. The fuck. He's the one who called me a bitch. I swear to God once I'm free I'm whooping ass.

Tray: Get your bitch!
Montero: Call her that one more time and we tussling. I'm not playing.
D'Q: Nah man you need to calm down.
Jack: Chill man.
Tasha: Jordan ma look at me. Stop!
Amala: You in a dress, heels, and makeup and hair snatched. Don't let him mess that up. Even we know you can fuck him up.
Nate: Real good.
Olivia: Amala is right cause there is paparazzi down there. The second you go down there, you know what's gonna happen.
Jordan: Shit- Okay I'm good. I'm good.
D'Q: Nigga you good.
Tray: Yo I'm fine she just wanna pop off for no reason.
Jack: You called her a bitch. Twice!
Jack: You see it's pissing her off.
Gregg: You were about to walk out here with a black eye and paparazzi on your ass.
Tray: How you know I would have a black eye?
D'Q: You haven't seen her fight? She fight like she ain't no rapper singer dancer.
Jack: Just calm down.
Montero: Yea so we can eat this food without being kicked out.
Jordan: Whew Lord.
Amala: Let's just go. We have to go to the studio anyways.
Jordan: Yea let's go.
Montero: We'll see y'all later.
Jordan: How about no.
Nate: Jordan!
Jordan: Girl whatever. Let's go y'all.

*At the studio*

Jordan: I don't know what to write about.
Montero: Write a love song.
Amala: Yea you haven't made a love song in a while.
Jordan: Yea there's a reason why. Fuck love.
Montero: Don't say that. Get some inspiration from like. Lana Del Ray, The Weekend, Ariana Grande. And more people.
Jordan: Ughhh. I don't know.
Jordan: But what do y'all have in mind?
Amala: I'm gonna make a song about my lazy low life ex.
Montero: I gonna make a love song too.
Jordan: Well I guess we're all making "love" songs?
Amala: I guess.
Montero: Let's go to the club.
Jordan: Imma pass up on that one. We were just there yesterday.
Jordan : And I'm not ready to to see Jack again.
Manager: Uh Jordan someone is waiting for you in the lobby.
Jordan: Tsk I'll be back.

Jordan: Marc who is it- Oh my God.
Jack: Jordan can we just talk please?
Jordan: I'm really busy right now sorry!
Jack: Jordan! Please?
Jordan: Fine!
Jack: Okay first I would like to apologize for Trays behavior this morning. He really needs to pipe down wit the word bitch.
Jordan: Yea I can tell he gets into arguments wit girls.
Jack: Secondly, everything that happened from before the club.
Jack: I know I fucked up.
Jordan: You did more than fuck up. Jack you deeply hurt me. You left without saying goodbye. You couldn't even send me a text. It was like you forgot all about me.
Jack: And I regret that. I regret not thinking of you. I could've texted, called, or even visit. But I didn't and that's my fault. I should've answered your text but I never did. I was to focused on getting the money, being famous, having the big house. But now none of that compares to you at all. It never did. So once again I'm sorry. I get if you don't wanna talk to me. But I wanted to clear everything between us so it wouldn't be awkward anymore.
Jordan: You know, you're the first person who's gave me a real and truthful apology. I forgive you.
Jack: Can I get a hug?
Jordan: Mmmmm? Sure!
Jack: Oh and I bought you some food. Fried rice wit orange chicken.
Jordan: Mmhm yep I totally forgive you.
Jack: Wait so you didn't before?
Jordan: Oh you bought food for me. That seals it.
Jack: 😂. Whatever.
Jordan: Come. We're making music.

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