Jordan and Jack were the best of friends until Jack moved away to start his music career. While Jordan was left by Jack without a goodbye, she started writing music, something she never expected herself to. In present time, both Jack and Jordan are...
Jason: Jordan wake up! Jordan: My nigga it's barely 8 o'clock. Jason: Ion give a fuck. Jordan: Well I do. Now get the fuck out of my room. Jason: Nope we goin for a family jog. Jordan: No I'm good. Jason: I got your purse. Jordan: Oh hell no! Jason: See your up so get dressed and shit and meet us downstairs.
*2 hours later*
Jordan: You said we were jogging for 30 minutes. Not run for.......2....hours. I'm tired not doing this shit again. Jaelyn: It's good exercise. Jason: Yea we're doing this tomorrow too. Jordan: Nope! Hell no! If that's what's gonna happen everyday I'm moving out. Jaelyn: Okay fine 😂. Jason: Let's go out for breakfast. Ma and dad coming. Jordan: Alright lemme get in the shower and get ready. Jaelyn: Don't take long. Breakfast is only for a few more hours. Jordan: Whatever.
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At breakfast:
Jordan: Mommy! Mom: Hi my babies! How y'all been? Jason: We've been good. Jaelyn: Yea. How's everything? Dad: Good! We just got back from the Bahamas. Jordan: That's unfair. Mom: Girl you have all the money in the world of you wanted to leave now you could. Jordan: Anyways......when are y'all coming back home? Dad: About that. Jason: What do you mean? Dad: We're selling the house. Jordan: It's not April fools. Jaelyn: Yea anyway let's go to the beach after this it's nice out. Mom: No y'all we being for real. Mom: Y'all old enough to get a house or apartment. Jaelyn: But I'm lazy to move. Dad: Welp your gonna have to. Mom: The house will be too big for just the both of us so we're selling it. Jordan: Well I was already thinking of moving. But not this fast. Dad: You guys have 2 weeks. Jaelyn: Ay that's not enough time. Jordan: Awurade hu mmɔbɔ (Lord have mercy) Jason: Me and you can find a place together. Jaelyn: What about- Jordan: Don't worry I'm good. I want my own big house. Mom: Girl 😂.
2 months later:
Jordan: Okay y'all so you know my parents wanted us out of the house. And I took that as it's time for me to take my next big step as an adult and buy my own house. Nate: Damn this house big as hell. Amala: Girl are you sure you gon be the only person in that house. Jordan: I plan on having each one of you guys stay wit me a night. Meaning- Olivia: We take turns sleeping in your house. Jordan: Exactly! Montero: Girl. Tasha: Well let's take a house tour. Jordan: Follow me.
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