Chapter One: Pack Your Bag's, We're Running.

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Two Week's Later:

I hummed, leaving my bike in at the front gate and I walked through the garden gate, my head phones in and blasting music through my ear's.  I hummed along and stepped up the stairs and to the front door. 

I looked through my black one shoulder '1D' bag. Book's, wallet, phone, head phones, USB, pencil case, gum, iPod, my tea travel mug, ah, my key's. I pull out my my house key's and I looked up. I inserted the key, but instead, the door swung open.

I stood there for a second, "Hello?"

I stepped into my house. I turned into the lounge room and gasped, dropping my shoulder bag and key's "Oh my god"

"Hello Charlie"


"I'm home!" he smiles. And then I ran at him, he open's his arm's and I jumped into them. He span us around, I laughed and hugged him.

"Oh my gosh, you're here. You are actually here!" I looked at him, as he put me down back onto my feet, and then I poked his cheek just to double check that he was real. He chuckled and grabs my hand and presses it against his cheek.

"I'm here, love. Don't worry"

I cracked a smile "Good, because I thought I would be sent to the loony bin" and then, I attacked him in another hug. 

He laugh's and hug's back "I still can't believe your here!" 

"Well, believer it honey" he joke's and I punch him in the shoulder.

"I told you, that was an accident"

"And yet, you called that old lady honey, and jumped on her back"

"It wasn't my fault she was wearing the exact same thing as you!" I pout.

He laughed "What ever"


I sat in my parent's kitchen, drinking tea with Harry Styles "So, how's my little Charlotte going?"

"Charlie" I corrected him.

"Charlie" he smirk's.

"Boring, i'm actually going to start taking on-line courses, the teacher's are to slow for me, so, i'm going to try to get some courses and stuff on-line"

"Brilliant" he smile's.

"So, how are you, Hazza?" I asked him seriously.

"I'm doing great"

I eyed him, with a 'really?' look "Seriously Hazz"

"I'm fine! Trust me"

"Last time you said that, I ended up locked in the guy's locker room in high school" he laughed.

"That was a good time"

"I was stuck in a room full of naked guy's, and you. Which is surprising, since your usually naked"

"Hey, I was defending you from hormonal teenagers"

"Hazz-Bear, you are the hormonal teenager" I laughed, remember all the people he had supposedly 'slept' with.

He roll's his eyes "Are you seriously reading those stupid tabloids?"

"I did, but then after awhile I gave up, mostly because they portrayed you as a sexual jumper, jumping girl's when ever he can, which is false"

"At least I can always count on you" Harry coo's and pinches my cheek.

"Lemme go!" I whined.

I stood, grabbing my cup and his and then put them in the sink, but why is he here? Why is he here, in Cheshire, in my kitchen. Does the boy's in his band know he's here? 

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