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"My love grows for you every time my eyes meet yours

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"My love grows for you every time my eyes meet yours."

"Y/N!!!!!" a high pitch sound lingered in my ear which made me wake up by falling of my bed down. "Ahh!! Fuck you Lisa!!!" Groaning I got up from the floor and went downstairs to see what happened."What the shit happened!" I shouted going down the stairs.

"Y/n-iee!! come down and see here!!!! OMG!!!!!" She stated.

But after seeing what she was saw my blood boiled since this is not the first time she's doing this.
"LISA?? REALLY?? You PEACE OF Shit is this why you shouted!!" I shouted at her as I'm fed up with her games right now.

"Yayyyy!!! Come'on oppa!!! Yayy!! SiDe sTeP rIgHt lEft tO mY bEaT!!"She sang with the idol who was singing on the tv. Picking up a pillow which is near me, I throwed it right on her face.

"Ouch!! Yahh you ungrateful brat how dare you throw the pillow on my face" saying this she started to chase me.
"Yahh!! That's not fair, you got what you deserved!" I laughed saying this and started to run too.

And my morning always start like this..
If you're wondering who is Lisa, well she was my enemy when I was is in highschool but after helping her in the main exam unintentionally we became friends, not only friends but soulmates. I was 19 at that time and now we both are 25.

And about me, my father and mother died when I was 20 so after that my grandmother took care of me but she also died when I was about to graduate. I was all alone at that time but Lisa was there with me in every hardships in my life. She gave a place to stay since she's also an orphanage. We both lived together like real sisters that no one can break our bond.

" Ahh!! I can't anymore I surrender" I let my body fall on the sofa." If you would have listened to me this wouldn't have happened" she also fell on the sofa breathing heavily.

I laughed and stood up from the couch.

" Lisa I'll freshen up and come, after that we'll go out for breakfast. Okay?" I asked her.
"Wow!! I smell some happiness in your voice that too in the early morning!! Who is that guy?? Uh uh??" She smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.
" Yahh you dipshit stupid buffalo pig oink oink!! Get lost from here!!" I shouted.
" Hahahahaahaa" she laughed falling of the couch since I stated the *oink oink* from her fav OpPa~

Giving her an annoyed face I went to my room to get ready.


"Mam you're order please?" The waitress asked after bowing to us. "Lisa, What are you gonna order?" I asked her. " I'll take one Croissant and one Espresso." She replied. "Okay then, two espresso, one croissant and one bagels." I ordered. "You're order will be ready in few minutes, Thank you mam" The waitress told and walked away.

Every few days we'll go to this coffee shop by our house to eat our breakfast or to study since in our neighborhood, this is the only cafe which is quite, pleasant and most importantly it is walkable distance.

"So Y/n, you planned to visit the orphanage?" Lisa broke the silence and asked. I turned my head to her direction and thought before answering. "Yeah! I was thinking but we have a delivery right?" I asked her.

We both are working as a Pizza deliver since after my grandma's death.

"Yes we have!!, but you are going to the orphanage monthly ones only, so why you have to cancel the plan. It's ok I'll handle it, You go and come." she said. I smiled at her heartily and said "Thank you lisa". "My pleasure buddy" she grinned.

After a chit chat our orders came and we started eating. In few mins we finished our breakfast as we both were hungry. I payed the bill and we walked outside.


After reaching our home I bid bye to her and walked the opposite direction to the orphanage.

I visit orphanage every month because my mom was started it. I and my mom always visit the orphanage when I was young, but after her death, I was the only one to visit there. And I'll also donate some money every month in my coming salary or bonus. I reached the orphanage and went inside.

"Yayy Unnie came!!" A cute little voice echoed in my ears. " Hello my dear chubbies!!" I bend down their level and hugged everyone."Unnie!!! you told you will bring me chocolates when you come text time" She asked while pouting.

" Aww!!! How can I forget that MY baby Pearl!!! Here I've brought for everyone" I said while taking a bunch of chocolate bags from my handbag.

"Yay!!!!!" Every children shouted happily and took them. "Ahem" suddenly I heard someone clearing their throat from my back. Without turning I found who is it, "Ahm H-hello Mrs.Allen" I turned and gave her an awkward smiled.

She fake smiled at me and said "Welcome Ms.Y/n and what did I said about giving chocolates to children uh?" She twisted my ears while asking.

"Oww ow oww oww Ahh Mrs.Allen Please let go I'm sorry I won't repeattttt" I pleaded with my famous puppy eyes while pouting. "Ah Now your puppy eyes and all don't work, so stop that you little brat" She scolded.

"Mrs.Allen please let unnie go, we'll not eat this chocolate now" Pearl interrupted with her cute voice. "Wow!! Now you went her side too??" Mrs.Allen gave a dramatic look. Everyone started laughing at Mrs.Allen. She left my ears too. 

"Okay okay You kids go and play, we have some works. Okay?" I said. "Okay Unnie!!! Byee!!" Everyone bid me bye and went to play. I turned to Mrs.Allen and gave her a cover with a sweet smile on my face.

"Oh Y/n dear How many times I've told you to not donate any money!" She said. "I know Unnie but I have to give it, I promised mom to care of this orphanage" I smiled

"But we have enough money to run this orphanage y/n, you need money to survive!, Till how many days you will see the delivery job? You have to make your future Y/n-ah" She stated. "I know but this also a part of my future too Unnie" I said.

She sighed because she can't able to win this time too. "Okay come inside, I've made some snacks to eat" She asked. "No unnie I left lisa at the shop to do my orders too, It will be tough for her so I have to go now, Don't worry I'll surely come next time to eat.. Bye unnie" I refused.

"Okay Go safe dear, Bye" she bid me bye and I waved at the kids too and left the orphanage.


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