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"Even the devil was once an angel"

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"Even the devil was once an angel"

Y/N's pov

I woke up with a bad headache because of the yesterday night crying. I got up from the bed and went to the washroom. Standing infront of the mirror, I don't think I see the Y/n I know, she was not with her big smile but with an expressionless face, there was no excitement in her eyes but a blank and empty eyes. She looked like a dead zombie who just got up from her grave.

Letting out a big sigh, I walked from the mirror and freshened myself. After getting ready I went downstairs. I saw Lisa who was in the kitchen stopped cooking and turned to me giving a worried look. I gave her a small smile assuring I'm fine and sat on the counter. 

She placed the food on the counter, then we started eating. "Y/n? If you want, you can take rest!" Lisa said softly.

I faced her with a small smile on my face and said "I'm not broken physically Lisa". Her face turned into a worried expression again and nodded.

Finishing our breakfast, we got ready and went to work.

At night 11:30

I'm now standing in the counter and waiting for Lisa to come, since she went to change her uniform.  Waiting for her, I rested my chin on my hand and looked around feeling bored.

While I was looking, I saw a guy at the opposite platform fully covered with a black outfit looking at me creepily. I frowned wondering who is he and that too at this time. Okay this is creeping me out, Who the fuck is that guy and why is he looking at me like that. Omg what if he is drunk??

I was in my own thoughts, suddenly someone broke it and that's someone is Lisa. "What are you looking at?" She asked a little shocked since she's been shouting for past 5mins. "A-ahh Th-that's nothing, Yeah nothing. Come let's go" I said and we left locking the shop.

Walking on the streets silently "A-ah y/n?" Lisa called me in a suspicious way. Frowning I asked what. "A-ah Nothing just, ah you know my friend who come here frequently? she said. "Yeah" I said thinking what is she talking about.

 "So she is keeping a party tonight, so she invited me and I know you don't like parties so you don't have to come" she said singing like a pre-school kid. Giving her an annoyed face, "Yeah yeah yeah so you want my permission to go right?" I said.

She sheepishly smiled giving me a pleading look. "Fine! Go but if you come home drunk, then I'm gone sue you" I warned her since I only know what she will do when she is drunk.

"Aww thank you so much baby" She hugged me and went forward first. "Yahhh Are you going just like that? No bye or take care?" I whined. "Oh sorry! Bye Take care" She shouted and walked away jumping like a kangaroo. I sighed and continued walking.

At home

Reaching my home, I throwed my bag on the floor and hanged my jacket on the stand. I walked to my room, feeling so tired. Going to my bed, I throwed myself on the bed and started to think about the incident happened earlier. 

Who was the guy?? He looked familiar too but why he had his both hands on his pocket? It was not so cold outside too.

"Yeah yeah Y/n, you are thinking too much after he came" I shrugged and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking a hot and warm bath, I came out wearing a towel around me. Ruffling my hair with a towel, I stood in front of the mirror. As I looked up over my reflection through the mirror. "Aish stop thinking about him Y/n!! remember he is your enem-"

???: Still?

I quickly looked back with widened eyes. "Y-you? W-what a-are you d-doing here?" I said backing and pointing at the him.















Taehyung: Hello again......Princess~ 

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