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"One day the people that don't even believe in you will tell everyone how they met you

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"One day the people that don't even believe in you will tell everyone how they met you."

Y/n's pov

Leaving from the orphanage, I went straight to the Pizza Cafe to start my deliver. Reaching there, I changed my clothes into uniform and asked for my order, But the receptionist said someone took my deliver, Knowing who is it I search for her, but I saw Lisa was about to start her scooter outside the shop to go, I ran to her and stop her.

"Lisa I came!, You give my order, I'll deliver" I said breathing heavily. "It's ok Y/n, you go and wait for the order, It's not far, I'll go" She denied. "No Lisa, Since I came I will only deliver, You get down from the scooter, Come on" I demanded. "But-" I cut her. "No buts now get down" I said. "Okay fine, Here drive slowly" She said. "Okay bye" I bid her and went to the address.

At Night

I and Lisa finished all the delivers, Now we are packing our things to go home. "Ah Y/n! I forgot to say this, Today my friend is coming to Seoul so I need to pick her up, You go and sleep. I'll be come home in the morning" She said. "Ohh Ok then, Take care. Bye" I bid her.

She bid me back and went to the opposite direction of the road. "Ahh How I'm gonna survive a night without her???" I whined and started walking towards our home too.

After walking for 15mins I saw a main road, If I had a bike I can go through that way since it'll only get 10mins to reach, but I don't have a bike! So I thought to go through the short cut Alley.

I was walking peacefully enjoying the climate. I felt someone following me but I shrugged it off, suddenly I heard a clinging sound of bells..

I turned around getting scared only to find a cute little cat. I smiled shaking my head and started walking again. Soon I reached my apartment and locked the doors after getting inside. Directly I went to my room and plopped on my bed. "wahh!! It's really a hectic day!!" Saying this I slept.
Not knowing someone staring at you creepily through the window...

"You have changed a lot in this 5 years Babygirl" That someone Smirked.

In the morning


"ahhhh-hhaaaaaa" I got up from the bed yawning and turned off the alarm.

I went outside to check if Lisa came but unfortunately she was not here yet. Sighing I went to get freshen up.

*My outfit*

After getting ready, I got down the stairs and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for me and Lisa

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After getting ready, I got down the stairs and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for me and Lisa.

Opening the shelves I see nothing but only some cereals, nuts and Pancake flour. After seeing the flour, I thought to make some pancakes. I took a bowl from the drawer and started making up the flour for pancakes.

While making, I remember I have to call Lisa to check her. My phone was near me, so I called her and put the call on speaker.

Tringg Tringg...Tringg Tringg...

After two ring she picked up the call. "Hello Lisa?" I spoke. "Hello Y/n? Tell me" she said. "Well, I'm making some pancakes, Do you mind to join?? You can bring your friend too, I won't mind" I offered. "Ohh I can join, but just now I dropped her in her house. I'm on my way, It's just so traffic outside. I'll be there in some mins" She said. "Oh That's good, It's ok come slow, No need to rush, Bye" I said. "Bye" she said and cut the call.

After some minutes she came and I also finished preparing the breakfast. We sat on the counter and started eating. "Wow Y/n, Day by day you cooking skills are going another level?" She complimented. "Aww that's so sweet of you, Anyways I thought of going to the park today, What do you say?" I asked. "Wow!!! That's a very good plan, I'm in" She said while raising her both hands.

Finishing our breakfast, We sat on the sofa and watched some kdramas for a while. After some hours we got bored, so I changed the channel into news to see if anything happened today.

The news reader:  "A death investigation is underway after a man was found dead in xxx alley this Monday morning.

Police officers were called to the xxx block of xxx Street around 8:45 a.m. for the report of a person down.

When they arrived, a man was found in the alley with a gunshot wound. He was pronounced dead at the scene and it is confirmed that this incident happened yesterday night at 11:45.p.m. Also they found a mark on the man's body. It says "K.th", If anyone find any suspect, Inform us immediately and the people in that location, Stay safe and lock the doors.

The medical examiner will determine the cause and manner of the man's death. Stay tuned for further information."

Hearing this news, we are in that same location and the alley they said was the alley I came through yesterday.
Seeing this news, I remember the words that my mom said "Sometimes, the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows."

I felt someone's shadow in my room's window, but I didn't mind it. The word "K.th" sent chills down down my spine.

I flinched when I heard the doorbell unexpectedly. I told Lisa to stay and went to check who.
After opening the door, my eyes widened to see the person infront of me. Just to find my worst nightmare.

Y/n: Y-you??

















Whom you think it would be?

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