Chapter 4

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CHAPTER 4, Brace For It 

I looked at my schedule and realized that we had a 10 minute transitioning period, which was more than enough time to stop by our lockers, get our stuff, and get to math class. Now, I may be in the highest level for science, I am in the lowest level for math, which is not surprising, considering that I absolutely hate math. Unfortunately, Bennett, who was not as horrible in math as me, is in the second level for math.  


As we parted ways to go off to our lockers, I spotted the same meanie weenie who "flirted" with me in the cafeteria swaggering in my general direction. Hoping that my shortness and the crowded hallway would hide me, I walked quickly down the hallway towards my locker. When I finally reached it, I gave a sigh of relief. He was hunting down some other poor girl, and hopefully he wouldn't notice me. After all, there wasn't really that much to notice, just a short, plain nerd child wearing jeans with accidental paint splatters and a faded "Rawr means I love you in dinosaur" T-shirt cowering near her locker, trying not to be the next victim of popular-douchebagitis. 


When I was done with getting the necessary stuff for math from my locker, I closed the door to find the rotten penguin fart that I was trying not to encounter again standing behind the door of my locker. "Hey." He said with a wink. "Leave me alone." I replied, slamming my locker door and stalking off towards math class with the incompetent walnut following me the whole way there. "I'm in your math class." he said. "But I'd thought that a nerd like you would be in a higher math level." He teased. His reply was a hit on the shoulder with one of the many books I carry around with me, since I'm a total bookworm. Luckily, before he could say something else, the bell rang, and we began to file into the classroom for a long, boring, algebra class.  


In the middle of the class, as the teacher was explaining the usefulness of algebra in everyday life, the intercom came on. "Ms. Shellberg, may I have Phillipa Ogdenwald to the front desk for early dismissal?" "Go ahead Phillipa." Was all Ms. Shellberg said in response. Delighted, I packed up my things and skipped out of the classroom. However, before I could reach the door, I noticed the unusual silence of the class, and the teacher. I turned around, to see the teacher watching me with an amused smile, and the class was watching the teacher. "I..ummm, really love math! That's, erm, why I'm so happy, because I love math? Not because I'm leaving?" it came out as more of a question, but it made the teacher laugh, and the class giggle, so why not.  


Skipping down the hallway, I finally reached the front desk. Instead of seeing my mom, or my dad there, I saw Bennett, and a strange man accompanying Bennett. What was going on? Why is there a strange man here to take me an Bennett out of school? Was my mother in on this? Was this guy a serial killer? Why was the school allowing this? All these questions swirled around in my head, and I was reluctant to leave. In the end, curiosity won the best of me, and for some reason my gut told me that I wasn't in danger, so I followed the short, chubby, man and Bennett outside to see a helicopter parked on the school roof. It sent down a ladder, and we climbed on.  


Once we were securely seated inside the helicopter, and before Bennett or I could ask any questions, the short chubby man handed us a folder, with the word "CONFIDENTIAL" written across the top in, big, bold, red letters. "Here, read this, it will explain everything." said the man. "And try not to lose any of the pages."  


We opened the folder, to discover a few pages inside of it. The pages read: 


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