Chapter 1

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I walked out of the building that held my local orthodontics facility, silently grumbling to myself. The braces were supposed to come off today, but they got postponed for another month because my overbite was still there. In the mean time, I had to wear rubber bands, I'm jumping for joy, can you tell? I absolutely love the metal contraptions sitting on my teeth right this very minute. In facts, I've named every single bracket that I have. My molars are Noname 1, 2, 3, and 4. All my brackets are Noname 1-27. Except for my left canine. He's (She's? Should I somehow check?) Named Phillip, because he (she?) looks like a Phillip. Need I go on with the sarcasm?

"Honey, I'm driving you back to school." I mentally groan. "But Mom! I only have a few hours left!" I complain. "It is 11:30 AM. School ends at 3:00. You have more than 'a few hours'." my mom replied, laughing. "But Mooom!" I groan. I was hoping that she wouldn't check the clock on the car, but no such luck. 

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My mom pulls the car to a stop next to the school. I grab my backpack and walk out of the car. "Bye Mom! Love you!" I tell her and walk towards the school. I hear a noise behind me. Startled, I quickly turn around, to find nothing behind me. Oh well, it must have just been the wind? Never mind that, I have bigger things to worry about. What are these "bigger things" you ask? What worries could a twelve-year-old possibly have? Well, for one, today was the third day of school, a Wednesday, and I still didn't have any friends. Oooooh yes the most problematic of problems, you might be thinking. But the thing is, I don't exactly make friends easily. I'm tomboyish, but not too tomboyish. I love videogames, and I LOVE books. I usually have my nose inside of one.

As I step into the school, I glance at the clock. 11:45 it reads. Wonderful. I just missed PE (which, in my opinion, stands for Pointless Exercise). The worst class ever invented in the history of mankind. I walk up to the front desk and give the receptionist the piece of paper that excuses me for being late, the dentist note they gave me at the office. After PE, what do I have next? I still can't remember my new schedule..... Oh wait that's right! Science! I walk down the hall and make a left. I turn the handle and take a deep breath. I slowly turn the handle and push the door open. As the door creaks open, about 20 pairs of eyes turn to look at me. You see, at my middle school, GreenlakeMiddle School, we don't have homeroom classes that you do everything with. You basically have each class with different people in your grade. I was in seventh grade, and I only knew about 2 people in this classroom.

"Sorry, I'm late, I had a dentist appointment.." I managed to squeeze out. "Have a seat. What's your name, so I can mark you late on the attendance?" "My name is Phillipa Ogdenwald, sir." I said. "Go ahead, you can have a seat next to....hmmmm, how about Bennett? Bennett, can you raise your hand, please?" A tall, brunette, boy in the desk next to the window slowly raised his hand. I quickly walked over and sat down next to him. I tried to may attention to the class for a few minutes, but even though this is Advanced Science (Science group 7-E, officially) it quickly turned boring. The teacher was talking about the different vocabulary terms of Astronomy. I already know everything, in fact, Astronomy is my favorite scientific field. I proceed to take out my notebook and doodle. You see, my notebook is everything to me. Nobody - and I mean nobody - gets to read. It contains all my thoughts, doodles, and poems. I love to write. Especially poetry. This time, I proceed to doodle a small yet fluffy dragon. I'm not the best artist, but I consider myself pretty good. I feel Bennett watching me, almost as if he's studying me, watching what I'll do next. I turn around and face him. "Uhhhh, hi." I say. So smooth. "Hey." He replies with a smirk. I try to look away, but somehow I can't. Our eyes meet, and I see that his eyes are a deep green, like an evergreen tree. My eyes are a mixture of blue and gray, and they're the only part of my body that I would never change, never in a million years. "You have really pretty eyes." He says. "Uhhh, thanks. You too." I say as I blush. I awkwardly look down at my notebook. Thankfully, the bell rings and dismisses us. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head out the door, holding my notebook in my hand. I flip the pages to find the schedule that I glued in earlier. I look to see what next period would be. My stomach does a summersault when I read what comes next - lunch.

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