5. Of Bullies and Best Friends

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"Wow! You look so smart! Don't you think he looks handsome, Haz?" Louis praises the moment that Niall steps into the living room in his new school uniform.

It's a lot different than the uniform at his last school where the Carson's lived. This one has a blazer; grey with green lapels around the collar. His tie is bottle green, shirt white and trousers charcoal grey.

It's the middle of January and cold outside still, so he has a parka coat that Harry and Louis have bought for him, along with a woollen hat, scarf and gloves.

He blushes at the compliments that both Harry and Louis begin to pour on him, grinning.

"Thank you," he answers shyly, his casted arm hanging in its sling around his neck, which he anxiously messes with. "Um. I - I don't think I did the tie right."

Harry waves him over to the couch and so he moves to stand in front of the curly haired man, lifting his chin so that he can access the messily knotted tie. He undoes it and then reties it for him, straightening his scarf afterwards before simply smiling at him.

"How're you feeling?" He asks in a whisper.

Niall sucks in his bottom lip and gives a small shrug. He's been living here for just over a week now, and it's been so nice. He wakes up every day and does his chores, he eats breakfast with everyone, then watches TV, or plays with some of the toys that the men have bought for him, he takes Benji on a walk with Harry or Liam, and then sometimes, Zayn and Noelle come over for dinner before he goes to bed.

Every single night, Harry and Louis tuck him in, and Louis reads him a story or Harry sings quietly to him, until he falls to sleep, happy.

But now he has to go to school, and he's definitely a little nervous - he's been to so many schools, he should be used to it by now, but the nerves never go away.

"A little bit worried, I guess," he whispers back, shrugging his shoulders up anxiously.

Harry smiles, nodding. One of his hands moves up to cup Niall's cheek, and for once, he doesn't flinch away at all. He leans into the touch, turning into it and closing his eyes for a moment, breathing in the comfort that comes with a hand that doesn't hurt.

Harry keeps his hand where it is and brushes his thumb over Niall's temple. "It's okay to be worried. Just remember that, no matter what, you get to come home at the end of the day," he says, then grins. "Besides, you're gonna do just fine. You're an amazing boy, and anybody who doesn't want to be your friend is just plain silly."

Niall giggles a little at that, not believing the words but holding onto them nonetheless. Then, he sobers a little and twists his lips to one side, looking up at his foster parents again. "What if - what if nobody wants to be my friend? They can't all be silly," he whispers.

"Well," Liam enters the room, leaning over the back of the couch between Harry and Louis, grinning at Niall. "If that's the case, then I'll beat them all up. Eight year olds or not, I won't let anybody be mean to you. Just let me know, okay?"

Niall giggles again, shaking his head. "You can't beat up eight year olds!"

Harry and Louis chuckle, Harry standing and settling a hand on the top of Niall's back.

"That's enough of all that," he looks down at Niall. "You're gonna be fine, okay? And if you need me or Louis at any point, ask to call from the office. They'll let you."

Niall nods, allowing the man to guide him out of the room, down the hall, and to the front door. Louis follows behind them, and before Harry ushers them out to the car, the shorter man crouches in front of him and hooks a finger underneath his chin, looking at him with the kindest, softest eyes.

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