23. But What's a Mother If She Isn't Here?

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Niall is sitting in between Luke and Ashton on his first class of the day, the seating plan long since given up on, when a teacher that isn't their usual walks in and greets them all.

One of the girls immediately raises her hand and asks, "Where's Mrs Hargreaves?" And everyone else nods in agreement.

The new teacher, Miss Trent, shushes them all, smiling. "Alright, boys and girls, settle down," she calls. "You all know that Mrs Hargreaves was pregnant, and she's due to have her baby next week, so she's on something called maternity leave."

Luke raises his hand and Miss Trent gestures for him to go on. "When will she be back?"

Miss Trent smiles. "You'll see her again before you finish year four, though probably just for a visit. I will be your teacher in her place for now." She claps her hand together in front of her. "And, in the spirit of celebrating mothers, I thought we could all work on something special for our own mothers. It could be a written letter or a poster or a card, some sort of art about your Mom and why you love her. I'll give you tonight to think about what it is you want to make and then tomorrow morning, we can all have a fun few hours away from lessons."

Everyone cheers, but Niall frowns to himself, shoulders slumping. He wants to raise his hand and ask what happens if they don't have a mother, but he doesn't want to draw attention to himself; besides, everyone else is excited, so he's clearly the odd one out.

So, he remains quiet as everyone around him begins to discuss what they're going to make the following day. He remembers bits and pieces about his Mom. She had long, blond hair and blue eyes, like his. She was kind and she used to wear pretty clothes and pinch his cheeks. And he remembers that she got sick, and one day when he was still really little, she just wasn't there anymore.

Luke turns to him after a few moments, his smile turning into a frown when he sees that Niall is chewing his nails and looking down at the desk rather than engaging in conversation with everybody else.

"Are you okay?" His best friend asks him.

Niall chews his lip and nods. "Yeah. Just kinda wanna do English 'stead of talkin' bout mothers."

Luke frowns a little, then winces. "Is it 'cause you don't have a Mom?" He whispers.

He feels weirdly defensive at that, glaring at the other boy. "No! And I do have a Mom."

"Oh." Luke blinks. "Then where does she live?"

Niall hesitates, then shrugs. "I - I don't - that doesn't matter. It's none of your business. Leave me alone."

His friend looks hurt, and Niall feels bad but he doesn't apologise because he's upset.

He spends most of the day silent, not wanting to talk, his mind busy worrying about other things. By the time the end of the day rolls around, he heads out of the gates with his shoes scraping the floor, bottom lip drawn in.

He finds his Papa and walks up to him, leaning against his legs. The man rests a hand on the back of his head, looking down at him with a concerned frown.

"Hey, honey. Is everything okay?" He asks, peeling Niall off of him and then lifting him up into his arms.

Niall wraps his arms and legs around him, resting his cheek on his Papa's shoulder. "Uh-huh."

His Papa rubs his back gently. "You sure? You don't seem like yourself, sweetheart. Did something happen? Everything okay with Luke and Ashton?"

He sniffs, nodding against the man. "Yeah," he murmurs, closing his eyes and letting out a breath.

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