26. A Trip to Remember

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Louis makes sure to throw continuous glances over his shoulder towards the lake as he helps his husband, Zayn and Noelle pitch the tents.

He grins as he hears Niall squeal; the boy, now ten years old, has his trousers rolled up to his knees so he can wade through the shallow end of the water, Liam sitting on the bank and splashing waves at him, the mid-morning sun shining down on them.

This is a big trip for them all. A lot of changes are due to come once it's over.

Liam will be moving out for university, Niall will be entering his final year of primary school, and Zayn and Noelle are upsizing their business, moving to the next town over to a new apartment and a new tattoo parlour. They won't have so much time together, so Louis is valuing this trip with them all as best as he can.

He knows everybody else is too.

As soon as they finish tying the last rope to the last peg, Louis stands upright, cracking his back and dusting his hands off with a groan, then makes his way over to the lake where his two youngest sons are playing.

Niall grins when he sees the man, running barefoot from the water through the dirt and reeds without a care, immediately throwing his arms around him.

"Papa! Me and Liam were having a water fight. D'you wanna play too?" He asks, giddy with excitement.

Louis chuckles, crouching down and patting his hands on the boy's waist, heart full as he sees himself reflected in the child's wide, blue eyes. "Well, as much fun as that sounds, sweetheart," he begins, glancing over his shoulder to where his husband is laughing with Zayn and Noelle. "But your Dad wants us all to go on this hike, so maybe I'll join in tomorrow, hm?"

Niall doesn't look deterred. He grins, bouncing on his feet. "Yeah! We're gonna go all the way up the mountain, that's what Liam said," the ten year old exclaims.

Liam, sitting nearby and throwing pebbles into the lake, raises an eyebrow. "I said we'd be going up the hills, Ni. Doubt your little legs could manage a mountain, dude."

Niall pouts at that, looking to Louis for support.

Louis chuckles, standing and offering a hand to the boy. "Ignore your brother. Those little legs could beat him in a race any day," he whispers with a grin, making Niall giggle, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm very fast," he states, putting his hands on his hips and lifting his chin before he grins and takes Louis' hand, turning to Liam. "Li! Are you gonna walk up the mountain with us?"

"Sure, I'll walk up the mountain, bud," Liam says with a good natured roll of his eyes, pushing himself up from the ground and cleaning his hands on his trousers, falling into step beside his father and brother.

Louis leads Niall over to the hollowed horizontal tree trunks set around the fire pit, sitting him on a stump. Harry carries over a towel, some water and then Niall's socks and walking boots.

Niall giggles as Louis cleans and then dries his feet off before helping him into the socks and then his shoes. He helps him to his feet and Niall grins.

"These are good boots for walking, aren't they, Papa? 'Cause they go over your ankle, so you can twist 'em easy," he says.

Louis snorts, nodding. "Yeah, that's right. You figure that one out on your own?"

Niall blushes. "No. I read it when Daddy was buying them on the website."

He taps the ten year old on the nose, smiling at him. "My clever boy," he whispers, making Niall blush harder and shrugging his shoulders up to his ears. "Come on. We've got a mountain to climb."

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